Mr. Townsend to Mr. Hay.
Brussels, February 11, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, at 8 a.m. to-day, of Department’s cablegram.
In conformity with instructions, I have just had a consultation with the minister for foreign affairs, in which I outlined the proposition as set forth in Department’s cablegram. I took occasion to point out to him how identical were the commercial interests of Belgium and the United States in China, which fact he agreed with.
He refrained, however, from expressing an opinion as to whether his government would or would not accept the proposition for joint action by the neutral powers. He informed me, however, that he would immediately submit the proposition to His Majesty the King and the Government, and would give me a reply as soon as possible.
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I will communicate by cable to the Department the reply of the Belgium Government to the proposition transmitted as soon as received.
I have, etc.,