Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer.
Washington, December 14, 1904.
Sir: Referring to the instructions of this date in connection with the case of Mrs. John Horniak and similar cases, I inclose a copy of a letter from Thomas Capek, esq., of 300 East Seventy-second street, New York City, submitting the complaint of Mrs. Sophia Vanco (otherwise Wancho) of treatment received at the hands of Hungarian officials, the seizure of her ticket, etc.a
You will, in addition to the cases of similar character already transmitted to the foreign office, present Mrs. Vanco’s case, with a view to a thorough inquiry into the causes of these complaints and to suitable restitution and reimbursement, as pointed out in the Department’s instruction in connection with the case of Mrs. Maria Horniak, above referred to.
I am, etc.,
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