Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Hay.
Tangier, June 20, 1904.
(Mr. Gummeré reports that on the 19th Raisuli’s representative returned and reported that the bandit had agreed to the proposed exchange of the captives at Zellal’s village, but the minister for foreign affairs has been informed by Zellal that he will not permit the exchange in his territory, fearing that harm might come to him. The minister for foreign affairs was told by Mr. Gummeré that the manner of the negotiations was not satisfactory; that it could not be conceded that the Government had no authority over a petty chief, and that for every hour’s further delay he would be held responsible. He now states that the bandit’s negotiator will be sent to persuade Zellal to permit the meeting for the exchange of the captives, and should he fail, he will try to persuade the bandit to make the exchange either at Zeenak, Ramlah, or Breesh, all of which are near Tangier. It is also stated by the minister for foreign affairs that pardon will be granted for the bandit’s tribe as demanded by him. A reply has been made to the minister that the proposed action in regard to arranging for a place of exchange seems reasonable, but that the British minister and Consul-General Gummeré will in no way be bound by any promise to grant pardon to those who have been implicated in the outrage on and the detention of the captives. The minister for foreign affairs has replied to this that his Government does not expect that anything it says or does should bind the British minister and Consul-General Gummeré.)