Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1904
Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.
Mexico, December 8, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose a clipping from the Mexican Herald, containing an account of the inauguration of President Diaz and Vice-President Corral on the 1st instant. Said clipping also contains the congratulatory address delivered by me at the national palace on behalf of the diplomatic corps, and the President’s reply.
I have, etc.,
From the Mexican Herald, December 2, 1904.
Seventh Term of President Diaz Began Yesterday—President and Vice-President Received Congratulations.
Amid a general atmosphere of cheerfulness the inauguration of a new presidential term was celebrated yesterday.
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the official ceremony.
The ceremony of taking the oath of office was very brief and simple.
When the President and Vice-President-elect entered the House, all the members and the occupants of all the boxes rose, and cheers and clapping of hands came from all parts of the hall.
Alfredo Chavero, the Speaker of the House, occupied a scarlet and gold chair on the raised dais in the rear of the chamber.
While all the members of both Chambers present stood up, Mr. Chavero, as representative of Congress, remained seated.
First General Diaz mounted the dais and advanced to another gold and scarlet chair placed beside that of the Speaker. That other chair, however, the President did not occupy, but standing in front of Mr. Chavero, and after shaking hands with him, he repeated the customary formula, promising to discharge well and faithfully the duties of the office of President, to which he had been elected, to consider always the welfare of the nation, and to observe and to cause to be observed the constitution and laws of reform.
[Page 494]Mr. Chavero then said:
“If so you do, may the nation reward you; and if so you shall not do, may she call you to account.”
The President’s declaration was received with a renewed outburst of applause.
Then Mr. Corral made an analogous declaration, suited to the office of Vice-President, and the formula repeated by Mr. Chavero was the same. Mr. Corral’s declaration was also greeted with applause.
This brought the ceremony to a close, and the President and Vice-President retired from the hall amidst loud acclamations.
General Diaz repaired to the reception room of the Chamber, where he spent some moments in pleasant conversation with Benito Juarez, son of the illustrious reforming President; Gabriel Mancera, Manuel Cervantes, and Enrique Landa.
at the national palace.
Then the President and Vice-President, with Messrs. Gabriel Mancera and Serapion Fernandez, drove back to the palace, amidst the cheers of the multitude.
The diplomatic corps, cabinet ministers, state governors, and delegations of Congress also drove to the palace.
Hardly had the party arrived when General Diaz, surrounded by the brilliantly attired diplomats, his cabinet ministers, the governors and Senators and Deputies, appeared on the southern balcony, overlooking the court of honor, and listened to a musical selection rendered by the newly organized band of the gendarmes, which was stationed in the courtyard. The band was led by Velino M. Preza, whose reputation as a band conductor is already well established.
The President and party applauded the selection, which was voted to be very creditable.
Some moments were then spent in animated conversation in the red room, until the President momentarily withdrew to an inner reception room.
The persons remaining in the red room continued in conversation. The group included the two delegations of the Chamber appointed to escort the President and Vice-President during the ceremony. That for the President was composed as follows: Gabriel Mancera, Benito Juarez, Leandro M. Alcolea, Manuel Cervantes, Enrique Landa, and Antonio de la Peha y Reyes. That for the Vice-President was composed of the following: Serapion Fernandez, Guillermo Obregon, Jesus Monjaras, Gregorio Mendizabal, Ignacio de la Barra, and Rafael Pardo.
There were also present Senator Camacho, Senator Carlos Rivas, Senator Eduardo Rincon Gallardo, Senator Roman S. de Lascurain, Senator Ramon Alcazar, Senator Gumersindo Enriquez, Luis G. Lavie, Guillermo de Landa y Escandon, governor of the federal district, besides all the visiting governors, Col. Felix Diaz, chief of police; Jose F. Godoy, minister of Mexico in Central America; Gen. Rosalino Martinez, subsecretary of war and marine; Gen. Eugenio Rascon, military commandant; Joaquin Larralde, intendent of the presidential residences.
the diplomats received.
After a brief interval it was announced that the President would receive the diplomatic corps in the green room. The diplomats accordingly filed in and ranged themselves in semicircle around the room in the following order: Gen. Powell Clayton, American ambassador, with Messrs. McCreery and Hoefele, secretaries of the embassy; Camille Blondel, minister of France, with the secretary of the French legation, le Vicomte de la Tour, the Marquis de Prat de Nantouillet, minister of H. C. M.; Viscount Beughem, minister of Belgium; Col. Francisco Orla, minister of Guatemala; Gen. Carlos Garcia Velez, minister of Cuba; K. Soughimoura, minister of Japan; Baron Hans von Wangenheim, minister of Germany; Cav. Aldo Nobili, minister of Italy; Gregoire de Wollant, chargé d’affaires of Russia; Liang Hsun, chargé d’affaires of China, with Fong Ying Kai, attaché of the Chinese legation, and Clarence Key, foreign secretary; Señor Vega, chargé d’affaires of Chile; Geza von Gaspardy, chargé d’affaires of Austria; Count Kielmansegg, secretary of the Austrian legation, and Lieutenant Sommerhoff, military attaché of the German legation.
General Clayton delivered the following address:
“Mr. President: Four years ago, upon an occasion similar to this, I had the honor to offer you the congratulations of the diplomatic corps at this capital. [Page 495] The many congratulatory conditions which then existed exist to-day, although greatly augmented. I need not enumerate the happy conditions, so dear to your heart, upon which we now tender you our hearty congratulations, one of which, however, I can not refrain from referring to. It is the wonderful success which has attended the efforts of your administration to establish the national credit of Mexico upon a firm basis. It proves conclusively that in the money marts of the world full faith exists in Mexico’s ability and the perfect integrity of her purpose to meet all of her financial obligations. To my mind, the effectuation of your proposed governmental monetary plans follows the establishment of your national credit as the day follows the dawn. As these are questions upon which the Mexican people appear to be united, I hope that I have committed no impropriety in alluding to them as subjects of special congratulation.
“Mr. President, we beg that you will accept our felicitations upon the good health with which you are so eminently blessed. May it continue, not only during your term of office, but for many years thereafter, so that you may experience the happy consummation of all that you have so wisely devised and for which you have so arduously labored.
“Mr. President, for yourself and family; for the distinguished citizen who now occupies the vice-presidential office; for the wise and loyal members of your cabinet, especially for him with whom we have our principal official relations, and who, by reason of his uniform kindness and courtesy, we hold in such high esteem; for Mexico and her people, and for the complete success of your administration, we beg to offer our heartiest best wishes.”
The President made the following reply:
“Mr. Ambassador and Messrs. Ministers: Your presence in these halls for the purpose of congratulating me on the renewal of the popular mandate in my favor is an event as honorable and agreeable to me as it is flattering to the Mexican Republic, because it affords another demonstration of the friendly relations, diplomatic and commercial, which Mexico happily cultivates with the great powers which you so discreetly and patriotically represent near this Government.
“In conveying to you my profound gratitude for the honor which your valued visit confers upon me, I reciprocate your wishes by expressing my heartfelt desires for the felicity of your august sovereigns and worthy rulers, and for the peace and ever-increasing prosperity of the nations which they so wisely govern.”