Mr. Clayton to Mr.
American Embassy,
Mexico, September 10,
No. 2435.]
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence
relative to the murder of the American citizens J. B. Maxwell, J. C.
Maxwell, and Enoch Woodworth. I now have the honor to inclose copy of
correspondence between this embassy and the American consulate at
Guaymas, Mexico, upon the subject. The especial attention of the
Department is invited to the letter of Governor Rafael Izabal to George
H. Lesser, consular agent at Guaymas, referring to the finding of the
dead bodies of the murdered citizens and the measures which have been
taken to discover’ the authors of the crime, four individuals having
been arrested as apparently guilty of the same and placed under the
control of the proper judicial authorities, who, with all possible
diligence, are conducting the investigation, etc.
I have, etc.,
Mr. Crocker to
Mr. Clayton.
American Consular Service,
Guaymas, Sonora, August 30, 1904.
Sir: Your letter of the 13th instant was
received during my absence. Mr. Lesser, who acted for me during my
absence, took the matter up with Governor Izabal, and his letter
concerning the case is inclosed for your information.
The crime referred to occurred in the northern part of the State, and
I have no knowledge of same further than that gleaned from the
newspapers. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your letter to
Mr. Morawetz, at Nogales, requesting him to furnish you such
infromation as he may have covering the case.
Governor of Sonora to
the American consular agent at Guaymas,
Hermosillo, August 22,
Dear Sir: I beg to answer your favor of the
19th instant, and to state that, in fact, on July 17 last, and at a
place named “El Arco,” district of Moctezuma, the dead bodies of the
Americans J. A. Maxwell, Maxwell, and Enoch Woodward, were found,
who appeared to have been murdered.
Energetic measures were at once dictated to discover the authors of
the crime, and two days later four individuals were arrested as
apparently guilty of the same.
Said men having been placed under the control of the proper judicial
authorities, the latter, acting with all possible diligence, are
conducting the investigations necessary to disclose the facts, to
the end of applying the proper penalty upon those who may be
declared guilty.
I am, etc.,