Mr. Takahira to Mr. Adee.
Washington, August 30, 1904.
Sir: Under instructions from His Imperial Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs, I have the honor to transmit herewith an agreement concluded at Seoul between the minister of Japan, representing the Imperial Government, and their excellencies, the minister for foreign affairs and the minister of finance of Korea, representing the Government of Korea. The first two articles of the agreement were concluded and signed on the 19th instant and the third article on the 22d instant.
In communicating this agreement to the Government of the United States I am instructed to say that it is nothing more than the natural consequence or development of the protocol concluded between the Japanese and Korean Governments on the 23d of last February, which I had the honor to communicate at that time for the information of the Government of the United States. I am further directed to say that the agreement does not in anywise interfere with the full operation [Page 439] or validity of Korea’s existing treaties; and that Article III thereof is not intended to place any impediment in the way of legitimate enterprise in Korea, but merely to check, as far as possible, the future conclusion of unwise and improvident engagements, which in the past have been fruitful sources of trouble and complication.
Accept, etc.,