M. Malmusi to Mr. Gummeré.
Dear Colleague: I have the honor to inform you that the Government of my sovereign gives its adherence to the agreements concluded and resulting from the declarations exchanged in 1892, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1899, and 1900 between the consulate-general of the United States and the legations of France, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Austria-Hungary, the consulate-general of Holland, and the legation of His Britannic Majesty, with regard to the mutual protection of property in trade-marks in Morocco.
- I.
- By virtue of the civil and criminal jurisdiction which they have acquired and exercised in that country, the consuls and consular courts of His Majesty have jurisdiction over all claims regarding the infringement of trade-marks by Italian subjects.
- II.
- Consequently, all complaints addressed to them by American manufacturers to obtain protection for trade-marks duly registered in the Kingdom against infringement by Italian subjects should in future be prosecuted, in the first place before the consular court and finally before the royal court of appeal in Genoa.
- III.
- The right of proprietorship in trade-marks is regulated in Italy by the law of August 30, 1868.
I beg you, dear colleague, to take note of the present declaration and let me know whether Italian subjects will have the same legal protection before the consular authorities of the United States in all [Page 408] that concerns the proprietorship of their trade-marks duly registered in the United States.
Accept, dear colleague, the assurances of my high consideration.
- Malmusi.
- Mr. Gummeré,
Consul-General of the United States of America.