Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.
Port au Prince, September 15, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose to the Department the naturalization certificate of Assad Kalil Abynemer, born near Beirut, Syria. [Page 403] On examining him he states that he lived in the United States about four years (certificate states eight years); that he is a merchant; that he has had no other paper; has made no declaration of becoming an American citizen; that he bought this paper from a man in New York (he did not know him) who stated that as he was going to Haiti he had better have such document as it would help him in business: that he did not know Mickel Isaac (the witness named in certificate) and that he paid for this paper $50, receiving it as he was about to leave New York in January of the present year.
I have returned to him the same answer as I have to the others (see No. 1537, September 14, 1904).
I especially call the attention of the Department to a close examination of the seals that are attached to these documents.
I have, etc.,