Mr. Adee to Mr. Powell.
Washington, September 13, 1904.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 1520, of the 31st ultimo, in continuation of the subject of your No. 1500, of August 17, 1904, in regard to the fraudulent United States naturalization certificates in the possession of Syrians residing in Haiti.
I am in receipt of a letter of the 8th instant from the Acting Attorney-General, to whose Department the matter was referred, in which he requests the Department to ascertain, if possible, whether these certificates are forged, or whether they have been secured in the United States courts through fraud and perjury, and also whether they are sold by a citizen of the United States or by a resident of Haiti.
You will endeavor to secure the desired information and report the results of your investigation to the Department.
I am, etc.,