Mr. Terres to Mr.
American Legation,
Port au
Prince, March 7,
No. 1383.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
inclosed a letter received at this legation with the request that the
same be forwarded to the Department of State. As will be seen thereby,
the house of G. Keitel & Co. has been informed that a patent to
continue their business will not be granted to them, thus forcing the
firm into liquidation. Mr. Anton Jaegerhuber, an American citizen, is
largely interested in the firm. He is now in Europe, and I presume will
present his case to the Department for consideration.
I am, etc.,
Messrs. Keitel &
Co. to Mr. Powell.
Port au Prince, March 2, 1904.
Sir: We wish to bring to your notice that
the Haitian Government has refused by letter to grant to the house
of G. Keitel & Co. a patent for the purpose of continuing to
conduct their business in this city of Port au Prince, and by the
same letter requesting the firm to enter into liquidation of their
affairs and that a reasonable delay will be given to liquidate.
Mr. Anton Jaegerhuber, now absent in Europe, is the principal partner
in our firm, he being an American citizen, and would be a very heavy
loser if this arbitrary demand of the Haitian Government is upheld.
We will bring the case before Mr. Jaegerhuber by letter and request
him to take such necessary steps to enter a protest to the American
Government at Washington for the protection of his rights.
[Page 387]
In the meantime we would be pleased if you will have forwarded to the
State Department this complaint that they may take such steps as
they deem necessary for his protection.
We are, etc.,