Mr. Sampson to Mr. Hay.

No. 374.]

Sir: A treaty between Ecuador and Italy has recently been published, and I send you a copy of the same and a hasty translation., substantially correct.

I have, etc.,

Archibald J. Sampson.

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ecuador and His Majesty the King of Italy being animated by the-wish of conserving and strengthening the friendly relations now existing, and desiring to encourage the commercial traffic between the two countries, have resolved to conclude a treaty of friendship, navigation, and commerce and have appointed to this effect their plenipotentiaries as follows:

His Excellency the President of Ecuador, Señor Dr. Don Jose Paralta, minister of foreign relations of the Republic; and his Majesty the King of Italy, Señor José Pirrone, knight of the Royal Orders of San Maurizio and San Lazaro and of the Crown of Italy, his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the Republic of Ecuador.

These ministers, after having communicated their respective full powers and finding them in good and proper form, have agreed on the following articles:

  • First.—The high contracting parties guarantee, reciprocally, a treaty of the most-favored nation in all that concerns the interests of citizens, as much in the matter of commerce and navigation as in the importation, exportation, and the transit of merchandise, and in all that refers to the customs duties, to commercial operations, to the enjoyment of trade and industry, and payment of reciprocal duties.
  • Second.—There is excepted from the stipulations of article 1, coasting trade, the regulation of which remains subject to the respective laws of the two countries.
  • Third.—The present convention will be ratified in Rome or Quito as soon as possible; it will take effect fifteen days after the exchange of its ratification, and will remain in force one year, counting from the day in which either one of the high contracting parties may give notice of its termination.

In testimony whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the present treaty.

J. Peralta.

G. Pirrone.