[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Holaday to
Mr. Squiers.
American Consulate,
de Cuba, November 26,
* * * * * * *
The Cubano Libre of yesterday contained an article stating that a
supposed case of yellow fever had originated in Carniceria street,
and that the person attacked had been removed to the yellow-fever
hospital at Cayo Duan. Immediately upon reading the article referred
to I requested Doctor Wilson to make careful inquiry of the sanitary
authorities as to the particulars of the case, and also to make an
investigation and inspection of the neighborhood where the case was
supposed to have originated.
The sanitary condition of the city remains generally bad. Evidences
of neglect are visible in the condition of the streets of the
outlying districts, and even those of more frequent use in the city.
From unconfirmed reports, however, I am led to believe that the
streets of the city are models of cleanliness compared with the
interior of many of the houses. So far as I have been able to learn
no house-to-house inspections have been made for the past six
months. * * *
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2.]
Mr. Webster to
Mr. Squiers.
American Consular Agency,
Cardenas, November 30,
Sir: In compliance with your request, I
have the honor to make the following report as to existing sanitary
conditions in Cardenas:
I consider them bad, although at present nothing but “ordinary
diseases” prevail. Last week there were three cases of scarlet
fever, two brought here, it is claimed, and the other originating
here; these, by being isolated, have controlled the disease.
Although there is a sanitary inspector here, there is no adequate
sanitary service, and the inhabitants dispose of refuse as they see
fit. There is no inspection or disinfection of water-closets and
There is no sewerage system here. Most of the houses drain into the
streets, and the gutters, in parts of the town, are in a deplorable
condition, filled with stagnant water and covered with green slime.
In various parts of the town, and near the center, there are pools
and lakes of stagnant water, thickly covered with green slime, and
breeding places for myriads of mosquitoes with which the town is
cursed, and of which, I am told, it is never without. At present
they are very troublesome.
The only reason I can give for the town being fairly healthy at
present is that the streets are broad and are swept by a good
healthy sea breeze, but I believe that if once attacked yellow fever
would take a strong hold.
A well-known physician here, with whom I talked to-day, agrees with
me in the above, and states that these ponds or pools should be
filled in, the gutters cleaned, a house-to-house inspection made,
and disinfecting system of water-closets and cesspools rigidly
enforced. Radical measures should be taken immediately for
effectually draining the town.
I am, etc.,