Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay.
Habana, February 5, 1904.
Sir: Confirming on the overleaf my telegram of yesterday, regarding the departure of the United States artillery from Santiago and Cabana (Habana) on the U. S. transport Sumner, I have the honor to say that while in the United States but little attention may be paid to the final withdrawal of our troops from the island the Cuban Government has been strongly impressed by this final act in our Cuban policy.
I wired Mr. Palma’s address in full, as he particularly desired that the President be informed of how sincerely grateful he is—speaking for his people—to the United States for its policy of generosity and fair dealing.
That our position here is better than it ever has been is, to my mind, beyond any doubt, and, further, they have a stronger and better government than most people were willing to admit was possible.
I am, etc.,