Mr. Adee to Mr. Conger.
Washington, August 22, 1904.
(Mr. Adee states that Mr. Goodnow has reported that the Standard Oil Company has asked for protection of their plant near the Russian cruiser Askold. Instructs him to inquire what rules of neutrality China proposes to apply. American interests would be endangered by any conflict in proximity to foreign settlement. Although we could not actively safeguard our properties by coercing either belligerent, all rights should be reserved against the party responsible for any injury.
Upon request of the taotai, Goodnow has called a meeting of the consular body to consult as to what action neutral powers should take. He has been instructed that he is not competent, in union with the consular body, to give effect to Chinese neutrality, but protest may be made against any act endangering neutral interests.)