Mr. Adee to Mr. Clayton.
Washington, September 19, 1903.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 1945, of the 9th instant, transmitting copies of correspondence relating to the murder [Page 667] of John E. Week, and, in connection with the subject, inviting’ the Department’s attention to other cases where American citizens have been murdered in Mexico.
In reply I have to state that the Department is of the opinion that you should again bring the cases you mention (except that of Greenwell, who is charged with the murder of Stanfield) to the attention of the Mexican foreign office, refer to the fact that representations previously made by the embassy in regard to them have been without effect, and ask that efficient measures be taken to prosecute the murderers. You may say that this is done under the instructions of your Government.
In the case of Green well, his extradition was asked by the Mexican Government, but the extradition magistrate in the United States held that the evidence was not sufficient to warrant his surrender.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.