- Citizenship of Chinese and Japanese women married to United States
Citizens (Documents 31–32)
- Manchuria—Correspondence concerning open ports, evacuation by Russia,
etc (Documents 33–85)
- Expiatory monument erected in memory of Baron von Ketteler, late Imperial
German minister to China (Document 86)
- Rebellious movements, Brigandage, etc (Documents 87–88)
- Right of consuls engaged in business to take part in deliberations of
consular body (Documents 89–90)
- Consular jurisdiction in Chinese territory leased to Russia (Document 91)
- Right of United States war vessels to visit Chinese inland waters (Document 92)
- Treaty between the United States and China for the extension of the
commercial relations between them (Documents 93–94)
- Rights of foreigners in Peking (Documents 95–98)