Mr. Combs to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Guatemala and
Guatemala, July 10,
No. 82.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
inclosed two sealed envelopes from the President of Honduras addressed
to the President of the United States of America in acknowledgment of
the receipt of the recall of my distinguished predecessor and my
appointment to the charge of envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary near his Government.
Copies of the notes of the minister of foreign affairs of Honduras
transmitting the above inclosures are hereto attached.
I have, etc.,
Mr. Vasquez to
Mr. Combs.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of
Tegucigalpa, June 18,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to transmit
to your excellency the original, accompanied by the style copy, of
an autograph letter, in which the President of the Republic of
Honduras acknowledges to the President of the United States of
America the receipt of an autograph letter, through which the latter
communicates the retirement of the Hon. W. Godfrey Hunter from his
charge as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the
United States of America near this Government.
I request your excellency to transmit the inclosed communication to
its high destination, and have the honor, etc.,
Mr. Vasquez to
Mr. Combs.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of
Tegucigalpa, June 18,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to refer to
your excellency’s esteemed communication, dated the 21st ultimo, in
which you were pleased to inclose two autograph letters, by which
the most excellent President of the United States of America made
known to the President of this Republic that, owing to the
resignation of the Hon. W. Godfrey Hunter, he had been relieved of
the high charge he occupied as envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and that you had
been appointed to fill said charge near the Government of
Upon informing your excellency that the documents referred to have
been transmitted to their high destination, I beg you in like manner
to treat the reply, accompanied by the usual style copy, which the
President of this Republic addresses to his excellency, the
President of the United States of America.
In the same communication to which I have the honor of replying, your
excellency disclosed your intention of visiting this capital, and
concerning this the President of the Republic instructs me to say to
your excellency that it will be highly gratifying to him to receive
you and express to you the sentiments of esteem which the Government
of this Republic entertains for the people and Government of the
United States.
Congratulating your excellency on the merited confidence you have
received from your Government, I subscribe, etc.,