Mr. Raikes to Mr. Loomis.
Newport, August 10, 1903.
Dear Mr. Acting Secretary: I have just received a telegram from Lord Lansdowne instructing me to apply on behalf of Mr. Clifford Sifton for permission to inspect, photograph, or make certified copies of the original Russian documents, translations of which are given in the appendix to the counter case of the United States before the Alaska tribunal on pages 1 to 35 and pages 84 and 85.
The British agent also desires permission to make copies of the plans or maps to which reference is made on pages 12, 80, and 85.
Mr. Clifford Sifton supposes that it will be possible to inspect in London, in the course of the hearing before the tribunal, the originals of the numerous depositions of which copies are contained in the appendix to the United States counter case, and I am directed by Lord Lansdowne to inquire whether the British agent is correct in his supposition that these documents will then be made available for inspection.
Believe me, dear Mr. Acting Secretary, yours, very truly,