Mr. Sifton to Mr. Foster.
Dear Sir: In view of the fact that the time for the delivery of the written argument in the Alaskan boundary proceedings is approaching, it seems desirable that, if possible, an understanding should be arrived at as to the date when the tribunal will meet for the hearing of oral argument, and I am now addressing you with the purpose of endeavoring to reach such an understanding. Assuming that the arguments will be delivered in the same manner as the cases and the counter cases, the arguments upon the American side will reach London about the 11th or 12th of September. Time will then be required for the consideration of the argument and preparation for oral argument. It would seem, therefore, that about October 15 would be a suitable time for the preliminary meeting of the tribunal to organize, settle questions of procedure, fix the time when oral argument will be proceeded with, and also deal with any other questions that may be presented by either party for consideration. I would be pleased to know, through you, whether the course above suggested meets with the views of the American members of the tribunal.
On account of the fact that the tribunal is not yet organized, and there has therefore been no method settled for bringing such questions before it, I am inclosing under cover to you for the American members of the tribunal copies of this communication.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Agent for His Britannic Majesty.