Mr. Choate to Mr.
American Embassy,
London, July 3,
No. 1151.]
Sir: With reference to my No. 1113 and to other
correspondence, I have the honor to transmit herewith, under separate
cover, 17 copies (bound) of the British counter case in connection with
the Alaskan Alaskan boundary, together with 17 copies of the Appendix to
the same, Volume I, which have been sent to me by Mr. Sifton, His
Britannic Majesty’s agent; also 12 additional copies (unbound) of the
counter case and of the Appendix, Volume I, and 7 copies (bound) of
Volume II of the Appendix.
I inclose also a copy of Mr. Sifton’s letter, from which you will
perceive that he regrets that he has no extra copies of the Album
(Appendix, Vol. II) to deliver, and explains, moreover, that the
additional extra 12 copies of the counter case and Volume I of the
Appendix are sent unbound for the reason that the notice has been so
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Sifton to
Mr. Choate.
Your Excellency: I have the honor, pursuant
to the treaty and the arrangement made with the United States agent,
to deliver to you 7 copies of the counter case of His Majesty in the
matter of the Alaska boundary, together with 7 copies of the
Appendix to the same, Volumes I and II.
The additional extra 22 copies of the counter case and Volume I of
the Appendix will be delivered to-morrow, but as the notice has been
so short, they must necessarily be delivered unbound. I am sorry to
say that we have no extra copies of the Album (Appendix, Volume II)
to deliver.
I have the honor to be, etc.,
Clifford Sifton,
His Majesty’s Agent before the Alaskan
Boundary Tribunal.
Hon. Joseph H. Choate, etc.
[Inclosure 2.]
Mr. Sifton to
Mr. Choate.
Hotel Cecil, July 3, 1903.
Your Excellency: I have much pleasure in
sending you herewith the 22 additional copies of the British counter
case and Appendix, 10 bound and 12 unbound.
[Page 536]
I had not expected to be able to send any of
these copies bound, but have had better fortune than was
I have the honor to be, etc.,
Clifford Sifton,
His Majesty’s Agent before the Alaska Boundary
Hon. Joseph H. Choate,
United States Ambassador, 1 Carlton House
Terrace S. W.