Mr. Hay to Mr. Raikes.
Washington, June 24, 1903.
My Dear Mr. Raikes: I have received your letter of the 23d of June, and submitted it to the attention of our agent and counsel.
I have this morning received a telegram from Mr. Choate, showing that the matter to which your letter refers is now under discussion in London between Mr. Choate and the Government, with what, I should hope, are reasonable prospects of its being arranged. He informs me that Mr. Sifton is now on his way to America, and will reach Ottawa on the 25th. The Attorney-General suggests that direct communication with Mr. Sifton might be a desirable way of expediting matters. If that should be Mr. Sifton’s opinion, he might put himself into communication with Gen. John W. Foster, who is now staying at Henderson Harbor, Jefferson County, N. Y. His address by telegram would be the above, via Adams, N. Y. If the agents of the two Governments should consider a personal interview desirable, Mr. Foster’s nearness to the border might facilitate matters.
Very sincerely, yours,