Mr. Choate to Mr.
American Embassy,
London, May 1,
No. 1113.]
Sir: I have the honor, in accordance with your
instruction No. 1186 of the 21st of April, 1903, to transmit herewith
eight copies of the British case in connection with the Alaskan
boundary, which, under the second article of the Alaska convention of
January 24, 1903, were handed to me to-day on the part of Mr. Sifton,
His Britannic Majesty’s agent.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Mr. Sifton to
Mr. Choate.
Sir: I have the honor to hand to your
excellency herewith eight copies of the case of Great Britain, with
accompanying appendices, under the convention signed at Washington,
January 24, 1903, for the adjustment of the boundary between the
Dominion of Canada and the Territory of Alaska.
It having been agreed that delivery of these documents at the United
States embassy at London should be taken as delivery under the terms
of Article II of the said convention, they are delivered
The twelve additional sets of these volumes will be delivered
I have also the honor to transmit for your excellency’s own use one
copy of the case and accompanying appendices.
I have the honor to be, sir, your excellency’s obedient servant,
Clifford Sifton,
Agent of His Britannic Majesty before the
Alaska Boundary Tribunal.