Mr. Loomis to Mr. Tower.
Washington, March 11, 1903.
Sir: I inclose, in original, a petition, dated the 5th instant, of Jacob Roos, of Dallas, Tex., setting forth that, at the age of 16, he left Germany and came to the United States, and was naturalized; that since then a fine has been imposed upon him for evasion of military service; that his mother is sick and he would like to visit her. He asks the aid of the Department in bringing about a revocation of the judgment imposing a fine upon him, and in obtaining the desired permission for him to visit his mother.
You are instructed to do what you properly can to aid Mr. Roos in that behalf.
I inclose in original his certificate of naturalization, his birth certificate, and the pass issued to him on his departure from Germany.
[Page 443]These inclosures are to be returned to the Department after they have served their purpose.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary of State.