Mr. Hay to Mr. Squiers.
Washington, May 2, 1903.
Sir I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 492, of the 24th ultimo, reporting the refusal of the Cuban department of state to authenticate a paper for use in Cuba, certified under the seal of this Department, and then under the seal of your legation and signature of the second secretary thereof.
Your insistence upon its authentication appears to have been correct, as such authentication is customary in the intercourse of nations. You, however, inclose copy of a decree issued by the President of Cuba on the 20th ultimo, providing that to legalize documents for use in Cuba they must be authenticated by a Cuban diplomatic or consular officer residing in the country where the document is prepared, if there be such an officer, and, if not, by the diplomatic or consular agent of the country accredited to Cuba, and either of the above seals must in turn be authenticated by the Cuban department of state.
As this decree relates to Cuban internal affairs, it would seem that persons wishing their documents legalized will have to conform to it.
It will be made public by this Department.
I am, etc.,