Mr. Seeger to Mr. Hay.
Petropolis, February 22, 1903.
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my unnumbered dispatch of January 20 and to transmit herewith a copy and translation of the ministerial decree of February 20, abolishing the transit duties recently levied by Brazil against Bolivian commerce on the Amazon.
While this decree does away with the very obnoxious and unjustifiable measure, it does not satisfy the Bolivian Government. I was informed by Doctor Pinilla, the Bolivian minister here, that he intends to formally protest against the phraseology of the document, especially against the word “tolerance.” His contention is that as the [Page 42] Amazon and the Madeira are free rivers the Bolivians have the same right as any other nation to carry on freely and unimpeded their commerce on those rivers.
Since this question has now found its solution the minister for foreign affairs will probably have no longer any reason to hesitate about answering my protest dated January 20, a copy of which I had the honor to transmit to the Department in the above-mentioned dispatch.
* * * * * * *
I have, etc.,
Consul-General, in Charge of Legation.