Mr. Hay to Doctor Herran.

Dear Doctor Herran: I inclose copy of a dispatch which has today been sent to our minister at Bogotá.

Very sincerely, yours,

John Hay.

Mr. Hay to Mr. Beaupré.


Beaupré, Bogotá:

The people of Panama having by an apparently unanimous movement dissolved their political connection with the Republic of Colombia and resumed their independence, and having adopted a government of their own, republican in form, with which the Government of the United States of America has entered into relations, the President of the United States, in accordance with the ties of friendship which have so long and so happily existed between the respective nations, most earnestly commends to the governments of Colombia and Panama the peaceful and equitable settlement of all questions at issue between them. He holds that he is bound not merely by treaty obligations, but by the interests of civilization, to see that the peaceable traffic of the world across the Isthmus of Panama shall not longer be disturbed by a constant succession of unnecessary and wasteful civil wars.
