Mr. Hay to Mr. Seeger.
Washington, December 9, 1902.
Sir: The Department has given consideration to Mr. Bryan’s Nos. 441, 444, 464, and 466, of the respective dates of August 14, August 19, October 31, and November 7, 1902.
No. 441 transmits a copy of an official order of the minister of finance by which he attempts to close the free navigation of the Amazon by subjecting all goods in transit to Brazilian export and import duties.
No. 444 reports a correction of the order so as to make it apply only to goods going to and coming from Bolivia.
No. 464 reports the protests of the French and German ministers against the order.
No. 466 reports the French Government’s approval of its minister’s protest.
The Department notes by Mr. Bryan’s No. 464 that it is the common belief of the diplomatic corps that the order would be rescinded by Baron Rio Branco upon his assumption of the office of minister for foreign affairs. It is hoped that by the time this instruction reaches you this expected action will have been taken. If not, you will make proper and temperate remonstrance against the measure, which, if persisted in, could not fail to injure United States commerce with the Amazon region.
I am, etc.,