Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay.


I was invited to the Palace last night to confer with the President and his Cabinet, and communicated the substance of your telegram of the 6th in the form of a note to the minister of foreign affairs. I was asked if I would officially construe the last clause to mean the United States would not permit the landing of Colombian troops. I replied my opinion is that the language used needs no interpretation; that I had fulfilled my official duty in delivering the note and had no explanation to make. The President then enjoined secrecy upon those present until direct answer has been received to the two questions of the minister for foreign affairs contained in my telegram of the 7th.

There is consternation in Government circles, and I fear serious trouble when the public is informed of the real situation. I believe there is much danger, not only to the Government, but also to Americans in the interior, especially in Bogotá.
