Mr. Bryan to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, August 14,
No. 441.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a
copy and translation of an official order of the minister of finance,
recently promulgated, by which he closes or attempts to close the free
navigation of the Amazon, subjecting all goods in transit to Brazilian
export and import duties.
I have, etc.,
Extract from Diario Official.
Ministry of finance. Federal capital. Circular No. 43, August 8,
Let the honorable heads of departments of finance take notice for
their information, that by means of telegrams of this date sent to
the collecting agents of the federal treasury in the States of Para
and Amazonas, this ministry has provided for the keeping of the free
navigation of the Amazon for import and export in suspense, except
as applied to merchants who have cargoes in ships which have left
the ports of loading before this same date, collecting, except in
this case, the duties they shall owe.