Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay.


I have fully acquainted Colombian Government with your instructions of April 28. The reply of ministry for foreign affairs I have the honor to transmit. Summary of reply as follows:

My note will be referred to Congress that it may know the construction given article 1 by the Government of the United States. To determine meaning article 1 Congress will take into consideration all negotiations prior to signing the treaty, including the notices minister hacienda to companies, which, antedating the treaty, are not explanatory thereof, intended in anticipation of foreseen events in the negotiations. See paragraph B, section A, memorial Colombian minister to the Department, 22d last November. The treaty alone can not cancel obligations between Colombia and companies as well. The United States must make contract to acquire rights of the companies which can not be included in the treaty. Were this not so Colombia, while relinquishing her rights, would yet be bound by obligations to companies. To omit contract Colombia would have no guarantee for the payment of her shares in canal company, especially as in article 1 of the memorandum of April obligation of this kind is waived by the United States. Necessity for consent of Colombia to sale of snares Panama Railway recognized in article 1 the treaty. The minister affirms the prohibition extends to purchase of one or more shares, as by this means control could be secured and the prohibition eluded.
