Outward foreign manifest.
Report and manifest of the cargo, laden at the port of San Francisco, on board the American schooner J. H. Lewis, whereof A. McLean is master, or (commander), bound for hunting and fishing.
March 7, 1891.
hunting and fishing gear.—ship’s stores.
- 200 sacks cracked salt.
- 80/4 sacks flour.
- 1 sack graham flour.
- 3 sacks yellow corn meal.
- 4 sacks oatmeal.
- 4 boxes peas.
- 14 barrels beef.
- 4 barrels pork.
- 3 barrels mess pork.
- 2 packages pigs’ feet.
- 100 pounds ham.
- 198 pounds bacon.
- 80 pickled shoulders.
- 2 cases lard.
- 4 cases roast beef.
- 1 case mutton.
- 1 case assorted soup.
- 20 cases sausages.
- 4 cases milk.
- 1 bale cod.
- 1 bale salmon bellies.
- ½ bale herrings.
- 1 case sardines.
- 2 cases corned beef.
- 2 cases salmon.
- 11 packages tobacco.
- 5,000 cigarettes.
- 300 cigars.
- 1 box vermicelli.
- ½ dozen yeast cakes.
- 50 pounds soap.
- 2 bags coffee.
- 2 barrels granulated sugar.
- 2 cases sirups and honey.
- 2 kegs molasses.
- 4 kegs sirups.
- 4 cases bread.
- 1 tin matches.
- 5 kegs of pickles and vinegar.
- 5 boxes of dried fish.
- 4 cases coal oil.
- 4 cases peaches and assorted fruits.
- 4 cases corn and tomatoes.
- 4 mats China rice.
- 2 boxes tapioca and corn starch.
- 2 boxes macaroni.
- 3 sacks green peas.
- 7 sacks beans.
- 35 sacks potatoes.
- 2 sacks onions.
- 5 sacks turnips.
- 2 sacks carrots.
- 3 dozen cabbages.
- 1 sack vegetables.
- 6 cheeses.
8 breech-loading shot guns | $35 |
15 kegs powder, 750 pounds | 105 |
50 sacks shot, 1,250 pounds | 100 |
25,000 primers | 30 |
50,000 wads | 40 |
310 |
Port of
San Francisco, May
7, 1891.
I hereby certify under oath that I have no arms or ammunition on schooner J. H. Lewis, except as mentioned herein. So help me God.
Sworn to this 7th day of March,
- A. McLean, Master.
- D. M. Cashin, Deputy Collector.
Bond filed March 7, 1891.
W. P. Saxe, Bond Clerk.
G. H. F.
G. H. F.
District and Port
of San Francisco,
Collector’s Office,
March 23, 1900.
Collector’s Office,
March 23, 1900.
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original now on file in this office.
N. S. Farley, Deputy Collector.
Fee, 20 cents, paid.
Office, Custom-House,
San Francisco, March 23, 1900.
San Francisco, March 23, 1900.