- Account, sealing, of the James Hamilton Lewis 182
- Accounts, owners’, outward, inward, and interest, with J. and R. Wing; case of Cape Horn Pigeon 71
- Ada, Captain James Gaudin, master of; request that Bering Sea Claims Commission pass upon added claim of 92
- Affidavit (see
- Bendt, William, as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- Blum, Leon, as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- Boyes, James, as to value of the C. H. White 247
- Dodge, George E., as to—
- Ezekiel, E. T., as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- Grodt, W. H., that Lawrence M. Furman and Lars M. Furman are identical 250
- James, N. T., as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 206
- Lorentzen, A. P., as to—
- Lutjens, Charles, as to—
- Malowansky, John, agent of lessees of Commander Islands, management; pelagic sealing 144
- McLean, Alexander, master of the James Hamilton Lewis, as to United States citizenship of officers and crew 204
- Olson, Andrew; that he is the person known as Andrew Ronning 252
- Olson, Martin; that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 252
- Prien, Johan H. C., president of Eagle Fishing Company, as to amount of damages sustained by the C. H. White 246
- Rydell, Charles F., as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- Tonnesson, Theodor; that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 253
- Waizman, Max, as to his ownership of the schooner James Hamilton Lewis 204
- White, Michael, as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 204
- Agreement of 1894 between the United States and Russia for a modus vivendi in relation to the fur-seal fishing in Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean 380
- Agreement of Thomas Scullun, master of the Cape Horn Pigeon 37
- Alaska, general chart of; U. S. Coast Survey 244
- Aleoute, Russian warship:
- Amount of indemnity:
- Appendix of claims submitted to the tribunal of arbitration at Paris 91
- Arbitration:
- fur-seal: extracts from appendix to the case of the United States before the tribunal of arbitration to convene at Paris under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Great Britain, concluded February 29, 1892. Vol. II, 1892 123
- protocol, in the matter of the whaling and sealing claims against Russia. 3
- tribunal of, constituted under the treaty of February 29, 1892, between the United States and Great Britain: award of 373
- Arms, etc., laden at San Francisco by the Kate and Anna: report and manifest of 266
- Arrest of Cape Horn Pigeon: Russian version of 38
- Artomanoff, Kerrick, native chief, resident of St. Paul Island: deposition, pelagic sealing—management 128
- Asser, T. M. C: selection as arbitrator 3
- Award:
- Bering Sea claims 92
- of commissioners (Bering Sea awards): message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the Secretary of State in regard to the award of the commissioners appointed pursuant to the stipulations of the convention of February 8, 1896, between the United States and Great Britain providing for the settlement of the claims presented by the latter against the former in virtue of the convention of 1892 86
- of the tribunal of arbitration constituted under the treaty concluded at Washington February 29, 1892, between the United States and Great Britain 373
- Baker, Capt. George O.: deposition of 41
- Bendt, William: affidavit as to value of James Hamilton Lewis 205
- Bering Sea awards: message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the Secretary of State in regard to the award of the commissioners appointed pursuant to the stipulations of the convention of February 8, 1896, between the United States and Great Britain providing for the settlement of the claims presented by the latter against the former in virtue of the convention of 1892 86
- Bering Sea:
- Bill of damages, Kate and Anna 265
- Black Diamond, “added” claim of: request that Bering Sea Claims Commission pass upon 92
- Blum, Leon, affidavit as to speed of James Hamilton Lewis 207
- Bonde, Niels, sealer (mate), deposition: pelagic sealing 145
- Boyes, James, affidavit as to value of C. H. White 247
- Brennan, William, sealer (sailing master and boat steerer), deposition: pelagic sealing 153
- Brown, Henry, sealer (boat puller), deposition: pelagic sealing 145
- Browm, Thomas (No. 1), sealer (boat puller), deposition: pelagic sealing 147
- Cape Horn Pigeon (Case No. 1):
- memorandum of the party claimant, presenting to the arbitrator at The Hague claims of owners, officers, and crew of 7
- statement of the facts in the case 11
- presentation of the claims to the Imperial Government of Russia 15
- treaty obligations of Russia and the laws of nations 17
- Russia’s responsibility 19
- the measure of damages 21
- general statement of the claims 27
- summary of claims 29
- list of owners 30
- copy of certificate of registry 30
- crew list 31
- whalemen’s shipping paper 33
- shipping paper of Cape Horn Pigeon 35
- agreement of Thomas Scullun, master 37
- clearance of vessel 37
- manifest of cargo 37
- note of Russian ministry of foreign affairs to United States legation stating Russian version of arrest of vessel 38
- notice, telegraphic, to United States legation at St. Petersburg of seizure of vessel 39
- note of United States legation to Russian ministry of foreign affairs requesting investigation of seizure 39
- note of Russian ministry of foreign affairs to United States legation advising of liberation of vessel 40
- deposition of Capt. George O. Baker 41
- deposition of Capt. Benjamin D. Cleveland 42
- deposition of Capt. Ezra B. Lapham 43
- deposition of Capt. Thomas Scullun 44
- letter of Capt. Thomas Scullun to Russian Real-Admiral P. Tyrtow stating proposed terms of settlement 48
- note from United States legation to Russian ministry of foreign affairs requesting an investigation of seizure of vessel 49
- note from United States legation to Russian ministry of foreign affairs presenting claim on account of seizure of vessel 49
- note from Russian ministry for foreign affairs to United States legation declaring claim to be not well founded 50
- note from United States embassy to Russian ministry of foreign affairs proposing a compromise settlement 52
- note from Russian ministry of foreign affairs to United States embassy submitting a proposal to settle claims on a greatly reduced basis 53
- deposition of William R. Wing, agent and managing owner of the vessel 53
- deposition of George R. Phillips 55
- log book of vessel 56
- charts of sea of Okhotsk, etc., and Bering Sea 70
- owners’ outward accounts, inward accounts, and interest accounts with J. and R. Wing 71
- notice to whalers served by Russian war steamer; copies from New Bedford Whalemen’s Shipping List of December 7, 1875 81
- chart of Sea of Okhotsk, showing the course of the Cape Horn Pigeon as plotted according to the entries in the log book 80
- statement of Capt. Thomas Scullun and officers of the vessel with reference to the illegal seizure by Russian authorities 81
- statement of officers and crew of vessel 82
- letters from Capt. Thomas Scullun, master of Cape Horn Pigeon, to Commander Charles V. Gridley, U. S. Navy, regarding seizure of the vessel 84
- Russian chart of the Sea of Okhotsk 85
- note of the Russian ministry of foreign affairs to the United States legation explaining the incident of the alleged firing on American vessels by the schooner Aleoute 85
- short hydrographic aperçu of the cruise of the schooner Vostok in Sea of Okhotsk in 1875 86
- Bering Sea awards: Message from the President of the United States
transmitting a report from the Secretary of State in regard to the
award of the commissioners appointed pursuant to the stipulations of
the convention of February 8, 1896, between the United States and
Great Britain, providing for the settlement of the claims presented
by the latter against the former in virtue of the convention of 1892
- report of the Secretary of State to the President, above referred to 87
- convention between the United States and Great Britain for the settlement of claims presented by Great Britain against the United States in virtue of the convention of February 29, 1892 89
- appendix of claims, submitted to the tribunal of arbitration at Paris 91
- note from Richard Olney, Secretary ot State of the United States, and Sir Julian Pauncefote, Her Britannic Majesty’s ambassador, to the Bering Sea Claims Commission, requesting that the “added” claims of the Black Diamond and of Captain James Gaudin, master of the Ada, be investigated and passed upon 92
- Bering Sea Claims Award 92
- regulations relative to fishing and hunting in Russian waters of the Pacific 96
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 283
- protocol of seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon 291
- report of the commanding officer of the schooner Maria to the commander of the Pacific Squadron 291
- report of Russian commission on seizure 293
- report of commander of cruiser Vitiaz to the commander of the Pacific Squadron of release of Cape Horn Pigeon 295
- rejoinder of the party claimant 319
- modus vivendi between the United States and Great Britain respecting the fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea, 1891 323
- convention between the United States and Great Britain for the renewal of the existing modus vivendi in Bering Sea, 1892 324
- message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the Secretary of State and accompanying papers relating to the claim against the United States of the Russian subject, Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner of the Russian bark Hans 326
- surrejoinder of the party defendant 363
- rules governing trading, hunting, etc., on Russian coast or islands in the Okhotsk and Bering seas or on the northeast coast of Asia, or within their boundary lines 397
- decision of arbitrator 451
- French text 469
- Cargo loaded by the C. H. White at San Francisco; report and manifest of 228
- Catch, seal, of the C. H. White; affidavit of Charles Lutjens as to probable valueof 248
- Certificate:
- Charts:
- Alaska, general; U. S. Coast Survey 244
- annexed to rejoinder of party claimant, in case of the C. H. White 355
- Okhotsk and Bering seas 70
- Okhotsk Sea, showing the course of the Cape Horn Pigeon as plotted according to the entries in the log book 80
- Russian, of the sea of Okhotsk 80
- showing course of the James Hamilton Lewis 122–184
- C. H. White (Case No. 3.)
- memorandum presenting to the arbitrator at The Hague claims of owners, officers, and crew of 7
- statement of the case 211
- presentation of claims 214
- treaty obligations and law of nations 215
- liability of Russia 219
- the measure of damage 220
- individual claims of Lawrence M. Furman, master, and of the crew 224
- statement or damages 225
- certificate of incorporation of Eagle Fishing Company 226
- clearance of the C. H. White 227
- certificate of ownership 227
- report and manifest of cargo loaded at San Francisco 228
- master’s or conductor’s oath on clearing outward 228
- naturalization certificate of Niels Wolfgang 229
- naturalization certificate of Lars Magnus Furman 229
- memorial of Eagle Fishing Company 230
- deposition of Lawrence M. Furman as to seizure 232
- memorial of Lawrence Magnus Furman 233
- memorial of Andrew Ronning, sometimes called Romney 237
- memorial of Niels Wolfgang 239
- protest against seizure of L. M. Furman, master, Andrew Romney, mate, and Niels Wolfgang, hunter, before James G. Swan, notary public 242
- general chart of Alaska, U. S. Coast Survey 244
- presentation by United States legation of claims to Russian ministry of foreign affairs 244
- affidavit of Johan H. C. Prien, president of Eagle Fishing Company, as to amount of damages sustained 246
- affidavit of W. P. Lorentzen as to value of the C. H. White 246
- affidavit of James Boyes as to value of the C. H. White 247
- affidavit of Charles Lutjens as to probable value of seal catch of the C. H. White 248
- certificate of registry 250
- affidavit of W. H. Grodt that Lawrence M. Furman and Lars M. Furman are identical 250
- naturalization certificate of Andrew Olson 251
- affidavit of Andrew Olson that he is the person also known as Andrew Ronning 252
- affidavit of Martin Olsen that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 252
- affidavit of Theodor Tonnessen that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 253
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 283
- detention and confiscation of the C. H. White 306
- objections concerning the basis of the affair 307
- official report of the confiscation of the C. H. White 311
- decision made on board the cruiser Zabiaka in regard to the seizure 312
- extract from the journal of the cruiser Zabiaka relative to the seizure 312
- rejoinder of the party claimant, with chart annexed 355
- surrejoinder of the party defendant 402
- decision of the arbitrator 459
- French text 477
- Citizenship of officers and crew of the James Hamilton Lewis: affidavit of Alexander McLean, master 204
- Claims:
- against the United States of the Russian subject, Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner of the Russian bark Hans 326
- appendix of, submitted to the tribunal of arbitration at Paris 91
- individual, of Lawrence M. Furman, master of the C. H. White, and of the crew 224
- of the Black Diamond and of Capt. James Gaudin, master of the Ada, “added claims:” request that the Bering Sea Claims Commission pass upon 92
- presented by Great Britain against the United States in virtue of the convention of February 29, 1892: convention between the United States and Great Britain for the settlement of 89
- Clanssen, Daniel, third mate and hunter, Kate and Anna: protest against seizureof vessel 274
- Clearance:
- Cleveland, Capt. Benjamin D. deposition in case of Cape Horn Pigeon 42
- Commander’s or master’s oath on clearing outward: case of the James Hamilton Lewis 121–122
- Commission, Russian: report on seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon 293
- Compromise settlement of whaling and sealing claims proposed by United States legation 52
- Conductor’s or master’s oath on clearing outward: case of the C. H. White 228
- Confiscation:
- Convention:
- 1892: between the United States and Great Britain for renewal of modus vivendi of 1891 respecting fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea 324
- between the United States and Great Britain for the settlement of claims presented by Great Britain against the United States in virtue of the convention of February 29, 1892 89
- Counter memorandum of the defendant party to the arbitrator 283
- Course:
- Crew list:
- Crew of C. H. White: individual claims of 224
- Cruise of the Russian schooner Vostok in the sea of Okhotsk in 1875: short hydrographic aperçu of 86
- Dahlberg, Gustav Isak, Russian subject, master and principal owner of the Russian bark Hans: claim against the United States 326
- Damages:
- Dardean, Alfred, sealer (boat puller), affidavit: pelagic sealing 147
- Decision:
- Decrease of herd: depositions of Anton Melovedoff and J. C. Redpath, residents on St. Paul Island 135
- Decree of confiscation of the James Hamilton Lewis 302
- Depositions (see
- Artomanoff, Kerrick, native chief, resident of St. Paul Island: pelagic sealing—management 128
- Baker, Capt. George O 41
- Brennan, William, sealer (sailing master and boat steerer): pelagic sealing 153
- Bonde, Niels, sealer (mate): pelagic sealing 145
- Brown, Henry, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 145
- Brown, Thomas (No. 1), sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 147
- Cleveland, Capt. Benjamin C 42
- Dardean, Alfred, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 147
- Donaldson, A. L.: seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 174–175–191
- Fraser, Alfred, member of firm of C. M. Lampson & Co., furriers, London: general seal-skin industry 158
- Fratis, John, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees: management and habits 130
- Furman, Lawrence, as to seizure of the C. H. White 232
- Goff, Charles J., Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Island: Pribilof rookeries 131
- Griffin, Arthur, sealer (boat puller and steerer): pelagic sealing 148
- Harrison, James, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 148
- Jamieson, James, sealer (boat puller and mate): pelagic sealing 149
- Kushen, Aggie, assistant priest on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees: management—habits 133
- Laing, Andrew, trader and sealer (mate): pelagic sealing 150
- Liebes, Herman, furrier, San Francisco: general seal-skin industry and pelagic sealing 153
- Lapham, Ezra B.: case of Cape Horn Pigeon 43
- Loud, Abial P., special assistant Treasury agent on Pribilof Islands: management and pelagic sealing 123
- McDonald, Joseph, regarding seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 173–175
- McLean, Alexander, master, regarding seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 171–175
- Melovedoff, native Alaskan, employee of lessees on St. Paul Island: management—habits 135
- Melovedoff, Anton, and J. C. Redpath, residents of St. Paul Island: decrease of herd 135
- Morgan, Thomas F., agent of the lessees on the Pribilof Islands, and of the lessees on the Commander Islands: habits, management, and pelagic sealing 123
- Peterson, Charles, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 151
- Phelan, John J., furrier: pelagic sealing 155
- Phillips, George R.: case of Cape Horn Pigeon 55
- Poland, Henry, head of firm of P. R. Poland & Co., furriers, London: general seal-skin industry, pelagic sealing 161
- Porter, Edwin P., sealer (boat steerer): pelagic sealing 152
- Redpath, J. C., agent of lessees on St. Paul Island: habits, management, and rules of fur companies: pelagic sealing 138
- Scullun, Thomas, master of Cape Horn Pigeon 44
- Simons, A. C., and Oren, seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 174–175–191
- Shepard, Capt. L. G., United States Revenue Marine: pelagic sealing 143
- Stamp, William Charles Blatspiel, furrier, London: general seal-skin industry—pelagic sealing 162
- Taylor, W. B., assistant Treasury agent on St George Island: management—habits—pelagic sealing 142
- Teichmann, Emil, furrier, London: general seal-skin industry 163
- Treadwell, Henry, member of thevfirm of Tread well & Co., furriers: general seal-skin industry—pelagic sealing 157
- Trearsheit, Peter, sealer (master): pelagic sealing 144
- Wagner, Charles T., agent of Alaska Commercial Company: habitspelagic sealing 144
- Williams, Theodore T., journalist, sent out by lessees to investigate pelagic sealing 153
- Williams, William H., Treasury agent in charge of the Pribilof Islands: management—pelagic sealing 127
- Wing, William R., agent and managing owner of the Cape Horn Pigeon 53
- Detention and confiscation of the C. H. White: counter memorandum 306
- Dodge, George E.: affidavit as to
- Donaldson, A. L.: depositions and protest, case ofseizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 174–175–191
- Eagle Fishing Company:
- Events following seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 170
- Exceptions taken by Russian minister of foreign affairs to claim of Kate and Anna 278
- Extracts from “Fur-seal arbitration: Appendix to the case of the United
States before the tribunal of arbitration to convene at Paris under the
provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Great
Britain, concluded February 29, 1892.” Vol. II, 1892 123
- from journal of cruiser Zabiaka relative to seizure of Kate and Anna 316
- from log book of schooner Aleout concerning the navigation of July 21, 1891 304
- from report of commander of cruiser Zabiaka regarding seizure of Kate and Anna 315
- from the journal of the cruiser Zabiaka relative to the seizure of the C. H. White 312
- Ezekiel, E. T.: affidavit as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- Firing, alleged, on American vessels by Russian schooner Aleout: explanation of, by Russian ministry for foreign affairs 85
- Fishing and hunting in Russian waters of the Pacific; regulations relative to 96
- Fraser, Alfred, member of firm of C. M. Lampson & Co., furriers, London; deposition; general seal-skin industry 158
- Fratis, John, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees; deposition; management and habits 130
- Furman, Lars Magnus, certificate of naturalization of 229, 233
- Furman, Lawrence M.:
- Fur companies, rules of; deposition of J. C. Redpath, agent of lessees on St. Paul Island 138
- “Fur-seal arbitration: Appendix to the case of the United States before the tribunal of arbitration to convene at Paris under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Great Britain, concluded February 29, 1892,” Vol. II, 1892: extracts from 123
- Fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea:
- Gaudin, Capt. James, master of the Ada: request that Bering Sea Claims Commission pass upon added claim of 92
- General chart of Alaska: United States Coast Survey 244
- General seal-skin industry:
- deposition of—
- Fraser, Alfred, member of the firm of CM. Lampson & Co., furriers, London 158
- Liebes, Herman, furrier, San Francisco 153
- Poland, Henry, head of firm of P. R. Poland & Co., furriers, London 161
- Stamp, William Charles Blatspiel, furrier, London 162
- Teichmann, Emil, furrier, London 163
- Treadwell, Henry, member of the firm of Treadwell & Co., furriers 157
- deposition of—
- Gridley, Commander Charles V., U. S. Navy: letters of Thomas Scullun, master Cape Horn Pigeon, to, regarding seizure of vessel 84
- Griffin, Arthur, sealer (boat puller and steerer): deposition; pelagic sealing 148
- Goff, Charles J., Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands: deposition; Pribilof rookeries 131
- Grodt, W. H.: affidavit that Lawrence M. Furman and Lars M. Furman are identical 250
- Grounds for legal responsibility, case of Kate and Anna: counter memorandum 313
- Grounds of case of James Hamilton Lewis: Russian objections to 297
- Habits of seals:
- deposition of—
- Fratis, John, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees 130
- Kushen, Aggie, assistant priest on St. Paul Island, employee of lessees 133
- Melovedoff, Anton, native Alaskan and employee of lessees on St. Paul Island 136
- Morgan, Thomas F., agent of the lessees on the Pribilof Islands, and of the lessees on the Commander Islands 123
- Redpath, J. C., agent of lessees on St. Paul Island 138
- Taylor, W. B., assistant Treasury agent on St. George Island 142
- Wagner, Charles T., agent Alaska Commercial Company 144
- deposition of—
- Hans, Russian bark: claim against United States of the Russian subject Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner of 326
- Harrison, James, sealer (boat puller): deposition; pelagic sealing 148
- Hearing before the arbitrator 405
- Herd, decrease of: deposition of Anton Melovedoff and J. C. Redpath, residents on St. Paul Island 135
- Hunting and fishing in Russian waters of the Pacific: regulations relative to 96
- Hydrographic aperçu Of the cruise of the Russian schooner Vostok in the sea of Okhotsk in 1875 86
- Illegal seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis: statement of, by master and crew 183
- Incorporation of Eagle Fishing Company: certificate of 226
- Indemnity:
- Individual claims of Lawrence M. Furman, master C. H. White, and of the crew 224
- James Hamilton Lewis (Case No. 2):
- memorandum presenting to the arbitrator at The Hague claims of owners, officers, and crew of 7
- statement of the facts 101
- treaty obligations of Russia and the laws of nations 105
- the habits of seals 107
- Russia’s responsibility 109
- the measure of damages 117
- certificate of ownership of vessel 120
- clearance of vessel 120
- outward foreign manifest 121–122
- master’s or commander’s oath on clearing outward 121–122
- chart showing the course of the vessel 122
- extracts from “Fur-seal arbitration: Appendix to the case of the United States before the tribunal of arbitration to convene at Paris under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of America and Great Britain, concluded February 29, 1892.” Vol. II, 1892 123
- extract from deposition of Abial P. Loud, special assistant Treasury agent on Pribilof Islands: management and pelagic sealing 123
- deposition of Thomas F. Morgan, agent of the lessees on the Pribilof Islands, and of the lessees on the Commander Islands: habits, management, and pelagic sealing 123
- deposition of William H. Williams, Treasury agent in charge of the Pribilof Islands: management—pelagic sealing 127
- deposition of Kerriek Artomanoff, native chief, resident of St. Paul Island: pelagic sealing—management 128
- deposition of John Fratis, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees: management and habits 130
- deposition of Charles J. Goff, Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands: Pribilof rookeries 131
- deposition of Aggie Kushen, assistant priest on St. Paul Island, and employee of lessees: management—habits 133
- extracts from depositions of Anton Melovedoff and J. C. Redpath, residents on St. Paul Island: decrease of herd 135
- deposition of Anton Melovedoff, native Alaskan, and employee of lessees on St. Paul Island: management—habits 136
- deposition of J. C. Redpath, agent of lessees on St. Paul Island: habits, management, and rules of fur companies—pelagic sealing 138
- deposition of W. B. Taylor, assistant Treasury agent on St. George Island: management—habits—pelagic sealing 142
- deposition of L. G. Shepard, captain, United States Revenue Marine: pelagic sealing 143
- extract from affidavit of John Malowansky, agent of lessees of Commander Islands: management—pelagic sealing 144
- extract from depositionof Charles T. Wagner, agent of Alaska Commercial Company: habits—pelagic sealing 144
- deposition of Peter Trearsheit, sealer (master): pelagic sealing 144
- deposition of Niels Bonde, sealer (mate): pelagic sealing 145
- deposition of Henry Brown, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 145
- deposition of Thomas Brown (No. 1), sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 147
- deposition of Alfred Dardean, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 147
- deposition of Arthur Griffin, sealer (boat puller and steerer): pelagic sealing 148
- deposition of James Harrison, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 148
- deposition of James Jamieson, sealer (boat puller and mate): pelagic sealing 149
- deposition of Andrew Laing, trader and sealer (mate): pelagic sealing 150
- deposition of Charles Peterson, sealer (boat puller): pelagic sealing 151
- deposition of Edwin P. Porter, sealer (boat steerer): pelagic sealing 152
- extract from deposition of William Brennan, sealer (sailing master, boat steerer): pelagic sealing 153
- extract from deposition of Theodore T. Williams, journalist, sent out by lessees to investigate pelagic sealing: pelagic sealing 153
- deposition of Herman Liebes, furriers, San Francisco: general seal-skin industry and pelagic sealing 153
- deposition of John J. Phelan, furrier: pelagic sealing 155
- deposition of Henry Treadwell, member of the firm of Treadwell & Co., furriers: general seal-skin industry—pelagic sealing 157
- deposition of Alfred Fraser, member of the firm of C. M. Lampson & Co., furriers, London: general seal-skin industry 158
- deposition of Henry Poland, head of the firm of P. R. Poland & Son, furriers, London: general seal-skin industry—pelagic sealing 161
- deposition of William Charles Blatspiel Stamp, furrier, London: general seal-skin industry—pelagic sealing 162
- deposition of Emil Teichmann, furrier, London: general seal-skin industry 163
- presentation by the United States legation to the Russian ministry of foreign affairs of memorial of owner, master, and crew 167
- memorial 168
- the voyage 168
- the seizure 169
- events following the seizure 170
- Russia’s responsibility 171
- deposition of Alexander McLean, master, regarding seizure 171–174
- deposition of Joseph McDonald regarding seizure 173–174
- deposition of Oren and A. C. Simons regarding seizure 174–175
- deposition of A. L. Donaldson regarding seizure 174–175
- protest against seizure of Alexander McLean, master, J. McDonald, mate, Oren Simons, seaman, A. C. Simons, seaman, A. L. Donaldson, seaman, granted by W. D Tillotson, United States consulgeneral, Kanagawa, Japan 175
- crew list 177
- log book 177
- copy of the protest given to the commander of the man-of-war Aleut August 12, 1891, by Alexander McLean, master 182
- sealing account 182
- statement of illegal seizure by master and crew 183
- chart showing course of vessel 184
- note from Russian minister of foreign affairs to United States legation, transmitting memorandum of Imperial ministry of marine, denying liability in matter of seizure 184
- letter from claimant’s attorney, George R. Tingle, inclosing additional evidence 189
- note from United States legation to the Russian ministry for foreign affairs, insisting upon the responsibility of Russian Government on account of seizure, and pressing settlement of claims 192
- memorandum from United States legation to the Russian ministry of foreign affairs, reviewing grounds and evidence upon which claims are based and expressing the hope that the Imperial Government will, without further delay, reimburse the claimants for their losses 194
- note from United States legation to Russian ministry for foreign affairs, transmitting original log book of the James Hamilton Lewis 197
- note from United States legation to Russian ministry for foreign affairs in further support of justice of claims 198
- note from Russian ministry of foreign affairs, transmitting memorandum of the Imperial ministry of marine reiterating former denial of Russia’s liability 199
- record of Treasury Department, United States, relating to the time of certain yacht races in the United States 202
- copy of certificate of registry of the James Hamilton Lewis 203
- affidavit of Max Waizman as to his ownership of the schooner James Hamilton Lewis 204
- affidavit of Alexander McLean, master, as to United States citizenship of officers and crew of schooner 204
- affidavit of A. P. Lorentzen as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 204
- affidavit of Michael White as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 204
- affidavit of William Bendt as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- affidavit of George E. Dodge as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- affidavit of Charles F. Rydell as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- affidavit of A. P. Lorentzen as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 206
- affidavit of N. T. James as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 206
- affidavit of Leon Blum as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- affidavit of George E. Dodge as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- affidavit of E. T. Ezekiel as to speed possible to be attained by the James Hamilton Lewis 207
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 283
- seizure and confiscation of the James Hamilton Lewis 296
- objections to the grounds of the case 297
- reports of the commander of the schooner Aleout to the commander of the port of Vladivostok 301
- decree of confiscation of the James Hamilton Lewis 302
- reports of Lieutenant Lebedew to the commander of the Aleout 303–304
- extract from log book of the schooner Aleout concerning the navigation of July 21, 1891 304
- rejoinder of the party claimant 348
- Russian rule concerning the places where captures may take place 354
- surrejoinder of the party defendant 398
- definition of the term “engaged in sealing” 400
- proclamation of President of the United States providing for punishment of violators of Alaska seal laws 401
- decision of arbitrator 454
- French text 472
- James, N. T.: affidavit as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 206
- Jamieson, James, sealer (boat puller and mate): deposition: pelagic sealing 149
- Journal of cruiser Zabiaka: extract relative to seizure of the Kate and Anna 316
- Jurisdiction in waters of Bering Sea: limits over which Russia reserves rights of 382
- Kate and Anna (case No 4):
- memorandum presenting to the arbitrator at The Hague claims of owners, officers, and crew of 7
- statement of the case 257
- presentation of the claims 258
- treaty obligations of Russia and the laws of nations 259
- the measure of damages 261
- bill of damages 265
- certificate of registry 265
- report and manifest of arms, etc., laden at San Francisco 266
- clearance of vessel 267
- certificate of naturalization of Claus Lutjens 267
- log book of the Kate and Anna 268
- protest of Charles Lutjens, master, Frank Morean, second mate and hunter, and Daniel Clanssen, third mate and hunter, against seizure, before Harry J. Lask, notary public 274
- memorial of Claus (commonly known as Charles) Lutjens 275
- presentation by United States legation to Russian ministry of foreign affairs of claim 277
- exceptions taken by Russian ministry of foreign affairs to claim 278
- affidavit of Charles Lutjens, master, as to authenticity of log book of the Kate and Anna, and amount of damages 279
- affidavit of George E. Dodge as to probable value of seal catch of the Kate and Anna 281
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 283
- statement of the case 313
- grounds for legal responsibility 313
- amount of indemnity 314
- extract from report of commander of cruiser Zabiaka 315
- extract from the journal of the cruiser Zabiaka 316
- rejoinder of the party claimant 360
- surrejoinder of the party defendant 404
- decision of arbitrator 464
- French text 482
- Kushen, Aggie, assistant priest on St. Paul Island, and employee of lessees: deposition; management—habits of seals. 133
- Laing, Andrew, trader and sealer (mate), deposition: pelagic sealing 150
- Lapham, Capt. Ezra B.: deposition of, case of Cape Horn Pigeon 43
- Legal responsibility; grounds of; seizure of Kate and Anna; counter memorandum 313
- Liability:
- Liberation of Cape Horn Pigeon: notice of, to United States legation 40
- Liebes, Herman, furrier, San Francisco, deposition: general seal-skin industry and pelagic sealing 153
- Limits over which Russia reserves right of jurisdiction in waters of Bering Sea 382
- List:
- Log book:
- Lorentsen:
- Loud, Abial P., special assistant Treasury agent on Pribilof Islands: extract from deposition, management and pelagic sealing 123
- Lutjens:
- Charles, affidavit as to probable value of seal catch of the C. H. White 248
- Charles, master Kate and Anna: protest against seizure 274
- Charles, master Kate and Anna: affidavit as to authenticity of log book and amount of damages 279
- Claus, certificate of naturalization of 267
- Claus (commonly known as Charles), memorial 275
- Malowansky, John, agent of lessees of Commander Islands: deposition; management—pelagic sealing 144
- Management of seals:
- deposition of—
- Artomanoff, Kerrick, native chief, resident of St, Paul Island 128
- Fratis, John, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees 130
- Kushen, Aggie, assistant priest on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees 133
- Loud, Abial P., special assistant Treasury agent on Pribilof Islands 123
- Malowansky, John, agent of lessees of Commander Island 144
- Melovedoff, Anton, native Alaskan and employee of lessees on St. Paul Island 136
- Morgan, Thomas F., agent of the lessees on the Pribilof Islands and of the lessees on the Commander Islands 123
- Redpath, J. C., agent of the lessees on St. Paul Island 138
- Taylor, W. B., assistant Treasury agent on St. George Island 142
- Williams, William H., Treasury agent in charge of the Pribilof Islands 127
- deposition of—
- Manifest and report:
- Manifest, outward foreign, of the James Hamilton Lewis 121–122
- Master’s or commander’s oath on clearing outward:
- McDonald, Joseph: deposition and protest regarding seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 173–175
- McLean, Alexander, master of the James Hamilton Lewis:
- Measure of damages:
- Melovedoff, Anton, native Alaskan, resident on St. Paul Island and employee of lessees—deposition: management, habits, decrease of herd 135–136
- Memorandum presenting claims of owners, officers, and crews of the Cape Horn Pigeon, the James Hamilton Lewis, the C. H. White, and the Kate and Anna to the arbitrator at the Hague 7
- Memorial of-—
- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State and accompanying papers relating to the claim against the United States of the Russian subject, Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner of the Russian bark Hans 326
- Modus vivendi—
- between the United States and Russia in relation to fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean 380
- respecting fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea, between the United States and Great Britain, convention for renewal of 324
- respecting fur-seal fisheries in Bering Sea, between the United States and Great Britain, 1891 323
- Morean, Frank, second mate and hunter, Kate and Anna: protest against seizure 274
- Morgan, Thomas F., agent of the lessees on the Pribilof Islands and of the lessees on the Commander Islands: deposition; habits, management, and pelagic sealing 123
- Naturalization certificate of—
- Negotiations relative to the question of the protection of seals, which preceded the conclusion of the arrangement between Russia and the United States, dated April 22 (May 4), 1894: résumé of 383
- Note from Richard Olney, Secretary of State of the United States, and Sir Julian Pauncefote, Her Britannic Majesty’s ambassador, to the Bering Sea Claims Commission, requesting that the “added” claims of the Black Diamond and of Capt. James Gaudin, master of the Ada, be investigated and passed upon 92
- Notice to whalers, served by Russian war steamer, copied from New Bedford Whalemen’s Shipping List of December 7, 1875 81
- Oath:
- Objections, Russian:
- Obligations, treaty, of Russia:
- Official Russian report of the confiscation of the C. H. White 311
- Okhotsk, Sea of:
- Olsen, Martin: affidavit that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 252
- Olson, Andrew:
- Outward foreign manifest of the James Hamilton Lewis 121–122
- Ownership of the
- Owners, list of: case of Cape Horn Pigeon 30
- Owners’ outward accounts, inward accounts, and interest accounts with J. and R. Wing, case of Cape Horn Pigeon 71
- Pacific: Russian waters of the; regulations relative to fishing and hunting in 96
- Peirce, Herbert H. D., agent: transmitting to the Secretary of State memorandum presenting claims of owners, officers, and crews of the Cape Horn Pigeon, the James Hamilton Lewis, the C. H. White, and the Kate and Anna, to the arbitrator at The Hague 1
- Pelagic sealing. (See Sealing.)
- Peterson, sealer (boat puller): deposition; pelagic sealing 151
- Phelan, John J., furrier: deposition; pelagic sealing 155
- Phillips, George R.: deposition; case of Cape Horn Pigeon 55
- Places where captures may take place: Russian rule concerning 354
- Poland, Henry, head firm P. R. Poland & Co., furriers, London: deposition; general seal-skin industry; pelagic sealing 161
- Porter, Edwin P., sealer (boat steerer): pelagic sealing 152
- Pribilof rookeries: deposition of Charles J. Goff, Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands 131
- Prien, Johan H. C., president of Eagle Fishing Company: affidavit as to amount of damages sustained by the C. H. White 246
- Protest:
- against seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis of Alexander McLean, master; J. McDonald, mate; Oren Simons, seaman; A. C. Simons, seaman, and A. L. Donaldson, seaman, granted by W. D. Tillotson, United States consul-general, Kanagawa, Japan 175
- against seizure of C. H. White of L. M. Furman, master; Andrew Romney, mate, and Mels Wolfgang, hunter, before James G. Swan, notary public 242
- against seizure of the Kate and Anna of Charles Lutjens, master; Frank Morean, second mate and hunter, and Daniel Clanssen, third mate and hunter, before Harry J. Lask, notary public 274
- given commander man-of-war Aleut August 12, 1891, by Alexander McLean, master of James Hamilton Lewis 182
- Protection of seals: résumé of negotiations relative to the question of, which preceded the conclusion of the arrangement between Russia and the United States, dated April 22 (May 4), 1894 383
- Protocol:
- Races, yacht, in the United States: record of Treasury Department relating to the time of certain 202
- Record, of United States Treasury Department relating to the time of certain yacht races in the United States 202
- Redpath, J. C., agent of lessees on St. Paul Island; deposition:
- Registry, certificate of:
- Regulations relative to fishing and hunting in Russian waters of the Pacific 96
- Rejoiner of the party claimant to the counter memorandum of the defendant party 317
- Release of the Cape Horn Pigeon: report of, by commander of cruiser Vitiaz to commander of Pacific squadron 295
- Report:
- and manifest of arms, etc., laden at San Francisco, Kate and Anna 266
- of cargo loaded by C. H. White at San Francisco 228
- of commander of cruiser Vitiaz to the commander of the Pacific Squadron of the release of the Cape Horn Pigeon 295
- of commander of cruiser Zabiaka relative to seizure of the Kate and Anna: extract from 315
- of the commanding officer of Russian schooner Maria to the commander of the Pacific Squadron: case of Cape Horn Pigeon 291
- of the commander of Russian schooner Aleout to the commander of the port of Valdivostok: seizure of James Hamilton Lewis 301
- official, of the confiscation of the C. H. White 311
- of Lieutenant Lebedew to commander of the Aleout: case of the James Hamilton Lewis 303–304
- of Russian commission on seizure of Cape Horn Pigeon 293
- of the Secretary of State and accompanying papers relating to the claim against the United States of the Russian subject Gustav Isak Dahlberg, master and principal owner of the Russian bark Hans: message from the President of the United States transmitting 326
- of the Secretary of State in regard to the award of the commissioners appointed pursuant to the stipulations of the convention of February 8, 1896, between the United States and Great Britain, providing for the settlement of the claims presented by the latter against the former in virtue of the convention of 1892 87
- Responsibility:
- legal; grounds of; Kate and Anna; counter-memorandum 313
- of Russia, Cape Horn Pigeon 19
- of Russia, James Hamilton Lewis 109
- of Russian Government on account of seizure of James Hamilton Lewis insisted upon by United States legation, and settlement of claim pressed 192–194–198
- of Russia, seizure of James Hamilton Lewis 171
- Résumé of negotiations relative to the question of the protection of seals which preceded the conclusion of the arrangement between Russia and the United States, dated April 22 (May 4), 1894 383
- Romney, Andrew, mate, C. H. White, protest against seizure 242
- Ronning, Andrew:
- Rookeries, Pribilof: deposition of Charles J. Goff, treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands 131
- Rules of fur companies: deposition of J. C. Redpath, agent of lessees on St. Paul Island 138
- Rule, Russian, concerning places where captures may take place 354
- Russian:
- chart of sea of Okhotsk 85
- commission: report on seizure of Cape Horn Pigeon 293
- liability of, case of the C. H. White 219
- objections concerning the basis of the affair (seizure of the C. H. White) 307
- responsibility: case of the James Hamilton Lewis 109–171
- rule concerning places where captures may take place 354
- waters of the Pacific; regulations relative to fishing and hunting in 96
- Rydell, Charles F.: affidavit as to speed of the James Hamilton Lewis 205
- Scullun, Thomas, master of the Cape Horn Pigeon:
- agreement of 37
- deposition of 44
- letters to Commander Charles V. Gridley, U. S. Navy, regarding seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon 84
- letter to Russian Rear-Admiral P. Tyrtow, stating proposed terms of settlement 48
- statement of, with reference to the illegal seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon by Russian authorities 81
- Sea of Okhotsk, charts of 70–85
- Seal catch:
- Seal (fur) fisheries:
- in Bering Sea; modus vivendi of 1891 between the United States and Great Britain respecting 323
- in Bering Sea; convention of 1892 for renewal between United States and Great Britain of modus vivendi of 1891 324
- in Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean; agreement of 1894 between the United States and Russia for a modus vivendi in relation to 380
- Seals; protection of; résumé of negotiations relative to the question of, which preceded the conclusion of the arrangement between Russia and the United States, dated April 22 (May 4), 1894 383
- Seal-skin industry, general:
- Sealing account of the James Hamilton Lewis 182
- Sealing in Bering Sea; limits in which it shall be lawful; correspondence between Russia, British, and United States representatives regarding 386
- Sealing, pelagic:
- deposition of—
- Artomanoff, Kerrick, native chief, resident of St. Paul Island 128
- Bonde, Niels, sealer (mate) 145
- Brennan, William, sealer (sailing master, boat steerer) 153
- Brown, Henry, sealer (boat puller) 145
- Brown, Thomas (No. 1), sealer (boat puller) 147
- Dardean, Alfred, sealer (boat puller) 147
- Griffin, Arthur, sealer (boat puller and steerer) 148
- Harrison, James, sealer (boat puller) 148
- Jamieson, James, sealer (boat puller and mate) 149
- Laing, Andrew, trader and sealer (mate) 150
- Liebes, Herman, furrier, San Francisco 153
- Loud, Abial P., special assistant Treasury agent on Pribilof Island 123
- Malowansky, John, agent of lessees on Commander Islands 144
- Morgan, Thomas F., agent of lessees on the Pribilof Islands and of the lessees on the Commander Islands 123
- Peterson, Charles, sealer (boat puller) 151
- Phelan, John J., furrier 155
- Poland, Henry, head of firm of Poland & Co., furriers, London 161
- Porter, Edwin P., sealer (boat steerer) 152
- Redpath, J. C., agent of lessees on St. Paul Island 138
- Shepard, L. G., captain United States Revenue Marine 143
- Stamp, William Charles Blatspiel, furrier, London 162
- Taylor, W. B., assistant Treasury agent on St. George Island 142
- Treadwell, Henry, member of the firm of Treadwell & Co., furriers 157
- Trearsheit, Peter, sealer (master) 144
- Wagner, Charles T., agent Alaska Commercial Company 144
- Williams, Theodore T., journalist, sent out by lessees to investigate pelagic sealing 153
- Williams, William H., Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands 127
- deposition of—
- Seizure of the Cape Horn Pigeon:
- amount of indemnity due on account of; rejoinder of the party claimant 345
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 283
- letters from Thomas Scullun, master, to Commander Charles V. Gridley, U. S. Navy, regarding 84
- presentation of claim by United States legation 49
- protocol of 291
- report of commanding officer of Russian schooner Maria to commander of the Pacific squadron 291
- report of release of vessel 295
- request of United States legation at St. Petersburg to Russian ministry of foreign affairs for investigation of 39–49
- Russian commission; report of 293
- Russian ministry of foreign affairs holds claim not to be well founded 50
- statement of Capt. Thomas Scullun and officers of vessel with reference to 81
- statement of officers and crew 82
- Seizure of the C. H. White:
- Seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis:
- counter memorandum of the defendant party 296
- deposition of—
- events following 170
- liability denied by Russian ministry of marine 184–199
- note from United States legation to Russian ministry of foreign affairs requesting investigation and relief 382
- protest against, of Alexander McLean, master, J. McDonald, mate, Oren Simons, seaman, A. C. Simons, seaman, and A. L. Donaldson, seaman, granted by W. D. Tillotson, United States consul-general, Kanagawa, Japan 175
- report of commander of Russian schooner Aleout to the commander of the port of Vladivostok 301
- reports of Lieutenant Lebedew to commander of the Aleout 303–304
- Russian ministry of foreign affairs states that relief has been given to crew 382
- Russia’s responsibility insisted upon by United States legation 171–192–194–198
- statement by master and crew 183
- Seizure of the Kate and Anna:
- Settlement of claims:
- Shepard, L. G., captain, U. S. Revenue Marine: deposition, pelagic sealing 143
- Shipping paper:
- Simons, A. C.:
- Simons, Oren, seaman: protest against seizure of James Hamilton Lewis 175
- Simons, Oren, and A. C.: deposition regarding seizure of the James Hamilton Lewis 174–175
- Speed of the James Hamilton Lewis:
- Stamp; William Charles Blatspiel, furrier, London: deposition, general sealskin industry—pelagic sealing 162
- Surrejoinder of the party defendant to the rejoinder of the parity claimant 363
- Taylor, W. B., assistant Treasury agent on St. George Island; deposition: habits, management, pelagic sealing 142
- Teichmann, Emil, furrier, London; deposition: general sealskin industry 163
- Testimony of witnesses on hearing before arbitrator 405
- Tillotson, W. D., United States consul-general, Kanagawa, Japan: protest against seizure James Hamilton Lewis, granted by 175
- Tingle, George R., claimants’ attorney: letter transmitting additional evidence 189
- Tonnessen, Theodor: affidavit that Andrew Olson is the person known also as Andrew Ronning 253
- Treadwell, Henry, member of the firm of Treadwell & Co.; deposition: general sealskin industry, pelagic sealing 157
- Trearsheit, Peter, sealer (master): deposition; pelagic sealing 144
- Treaty obligations—
- Tribunal of arbitration at Paris: appendix of claims submitted to 91
- Tyrtow, P., Russian rear-admiral: letter of Capt. Thomas Scullun, master of Cape Horn Pigeon, to, stating terms of proposed settlement 48
- Value—
- Vostok, Russian schooner; short hydrographic aperçu of cruise of, in sea of Okhotsk in 1875 86
- Voyage of the James Hamilton Lewis 168
- Wagner, Charles T., agent Alaska Commercial Company, deposition: habits, pelagic sealing 144
- Waizman, Max, affidavit as to his ownership of schooner James Hamilton Lewis 204
- Whalemen’s shipping paper, copy of, case of Cape Horn Pigeon 33
- White, Michael, affidavit as to value of the James Hamilton Lewis 204
- Williams, Theodore T., journalist, sent out by lessees to investigate pelagic seal; deposition: pelagic sealing 153
- Williams, William H., Treasury agent in charge of Pribilof Islands; deposition: management—pelagic sealing 127
- Wing, William R., agent and managing owner of Cape Horn Pigeon; deposition of 53
- Wolfgang, Niels:
- Yacht races in United States; record of Treasury Department relating to time of certain 202