
The Russian Imperial Government hereby publishes for general knowledge the following:

Without a special permit or license from the governor-general of Eastern Siberia, foreign vessels are not allowed to carry on trading, hunting, etc., on the Russian coast, or islands in the Okhotsk and Bering seas or on the northeast coast of Asia, or within their sea-boundary line.
For such permits or licenses foreign vessels should apply at Vladivostok exclusively.
In the port of Petropavlovsk, though being only the port of entry in Kamchatka, such permits or licenses shall not be issued.
No permits or licenses whatever shall be issued for hunting, fishing, or trading at or on the Commodore and Robben islands.
Foreign vessels found trading, fishing, hunting, etc., in Russian waters without a license or permit from the governor-general, and also those possessing a license or permit who should infringe on the existing by-laws on hunting, shall be confiscated, both vessels and cargoes, for the benefit of the Government. This enactment shall be enforced henceforth, commencing with A. D. 1882.
The enforcement of the above will be intrusted to Russian men-of-war and also to Russian merchant vessels, who, for that purpose, will carry military detachments and be provided with proper instructions.