Extract from the Journal Kept on Board the Second-Class Cruiser Zabiaka, during the protective cruise off commander islands in 1892.
Name and nationality of vessel: American sailing schooner Kate and Anna.
Cargo: One hundred and twenty-four seal skins, salt, shot, etc.
Name of captain: Charles Lutgens.
Number of crew:——.
Circumstances of the case: On the 31st of July at 6.15, being in 64° 10’ latitude north and in 168° 22’ longitude east, we met the sailing schooner Kate and Anna. Having detained the schooner, we required the captain to report, with his papers. It was found that the schooner log had not been kept during the past ten days and the ship’s journal in general could afford not the least justification. Moreover, the points indicated on the navigation chart caused me to suspect that the seals had been killed in our waters. For this reason they were confiscated. The captain made no resistance.
Decision: On account of the irregularity of the log book I confiscated the seal skins and required the captain to sign agreement not to kill seals in Russian waters and to enter on log book the warning he received.