Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, July 1, 1902.
Sir: Referring further to my dispatch No. 210 of June 10, in regard to the case of the New York Life Insurance Company, there is undoubtedly a strong undercurrent of prejudice and feeling against all things foreign existing at all times, and occasionally a wave of ill-disguised antagonism sweeps over the country, as at the present time, which somewhat resembles a suppressed Boxer movement. But notwithstanding this feeling I am quite of the opinion that if the representatives of the foreign insurance companies get together and make some reasonable concessions the existing trouble can be adjusted, and as explained to Messrs. Whittall & Co., I believe it would be a wise and politic move on the part of the New York Life Insurance Company if they were the first to make the necessary concessions which I am inclined to believe will sooner or later be made by one or all.
I have, etc.,