Mr. Thomas to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Stockholm, November 10,
No. 282.]
Sir: Referring to your instructionsa of
May 24 last, I have the honor to inform you that immediately upon the
receipt thereof I proffered the request therein contained to the
Government of Sweden and Norway, in a note addressed to the minister for
foreign affairs, a copy of which I inclose herewith.
I am to-day in receipt of a note from His Excellency Mr. Lagerheim, a
copy of which, accompanied by a translation, stating that in response to
this request the United States consular officers in Sweden and Norway
have received permission to assume the charge of the interests of Cuba
and of its citizens until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed.
in compliance with your instructions, I have at once notified the United
States consul-general and consuls in Sweden and Norway that such
permission has been granted.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Thomas to
Mr. Lagerheim.
Legation of the United States,
Stockholm, June 23, 1902.
Excellency: I have the honor to inform you
that I am instructed by the Secretary of State, at the request of
the President of Cuba, to ask the Government of Sweden and Norway to
permit the United States consular officers within its jurisdiction
to use their good offices in representation of the interests of Cuba
and its citizens until Cuban consuls shall have been appointed.
I take this occasion to renew, etc.,
Mr. Lagerheim
to Mr. Thomas.
Royal Foreign Office,
Stockholm, November 7,
Mr. Minister: Referring to your note of
June 23 last, I have the honor to inform you that United States
consular officers in Sweden and Norway have received permission to
assume the charge of the interests of Cuba and of its citizens until
Cuban consuls shall have been appointed.
Accept, etc.,