Mr. Hay to Mr. Merry.

No. 457.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 691 of the 20th ultimo, with inclosure from the Salvadorean minister of foreign affairs, from which it appears that the Government of Salvador has no objection to the exercise of your good offices and those of our consular officers in Salvador in favor of Danish subjects, with the same restrictions and in the same form as their exercise is permitted respecting Chinese subjects.

You state that you will await the Department’s instructions before advising the consular officers in Salvador.

The Department’s instructions in regard to the use of good offices in favor of Chinese subjects are contained in its No. 470,a of July 3, 1896, and No. 535b of February 6, 1897, to your predecessor, Mr. Lewis Baker. As regards Danish subjects you will be guided by these instructions and that to you numbered 425c of October 25, 1901. You will instruct the United States consular officers in Salvador to act in accordance therewith.

I inclose for your information copy of a noted which I have this day addressed to the Danish minister on the subject.

I am, etc.

John Hay.