Mr. de Azpiroz to Mr. Hay.

No. 249.]

Your Excellency: I have learned from your Department’s note of yesterday that at the request of his excellency the minister of the United States at Vienna orders were issued to the collector of maritime customs at Galveston, Tex., to facilitate the landing and delivery of the mortal remains of Señor Don José de Teresa y Miranda, who was minister of Mexico in Austria-Hungary, brought by the steamer Rieslau, whose arrival at said port is expected toward the 10th of the present month; and that the collector of maritime customs at New [Page 795] York has instructions to await with customary courtesy the senora, the widow of Teresa y Miranda, who, accompanied by her family, will disembark at the latter of said ports about the 21st of the present month, and to permit the free entry, without examination, of the señora’s baggage on board of the steamer Kronprinz Wilhelm.

In the name of my Government I have the honor to give your excellency most earnest thanks for these friendly concessions, requesting you to have the goodness to transmit them to the United States minister at Vienna for his assiduity in promoting them.

I communicate to my Government the contents of the mentioned note, and renew, etc.

M. de Azpiroz.