Mr. Allen to Mr. Hay.
Seoul, May 7, 1902.
Sir: On March 15, Mr. Paddock, in his dispatch No. 445, informed you of a proposed change in the land regulations for the general foreign settlement of Chemulpo. It was proposed that Article VI, which is as follows:
The municipal council shall consist of a Korean local official of suitable rank; the consuls of the treaty powers whose subjects or citizens hold land in the settlement, and of registered landholders who shall be elected, etc.
should be so changed as to read:
The municipal council shall consist of a Korean official of suitable rank, the consuls of the treaty powers and three registered landholders, etc.
At a meeting of the foreign representatives held on yesterday to discuss this matter further, Mr. Hayashi, the Japanese minister, stated that his Government objected to the form of this amendment and proposed that the following be substituted for it:
The municipal council shall consist of a Korean local official of suitable rank, the consuls of the treaty powers whose Governments or whose subjects or citizens hold land in the settlement, etc.
As this suggestion on the part of the Japanese Government covers the ground better than the one already sent you, and as it prevents the filling up of the council with consuls whose Governments or people do not hold land in the settlement, and as the Korean Government have not yet replied to the request of the foreign representatives to have the former amendment accepted, it was unanimously agreed that we each ask our respective Governments to accept this proposed amendment suggested by the Government of Japan, instead of the one already sent forward.
I have the honor to request, therefore, that I be instructed to accept this last proposed amendment.
I have, etc.,