Signor Mayor des Plan dies to Mr. Hay.
Manchester, Mass., September 5, 1902.
Mr. Secretary of State: In obedience to telegraphic instructions I have received from Rome, I have the honor to beg that your excellency [Page 684] will express to His Excellency the President, in the name of the Government of the King, the most lively concern for his person felt by that Government on the occasion of the perilous occurrence by which his precious life was jeopardized, and the most fervent wishes that the wound, fortunately slight, suffered by him may soon heal.
I should be thankful if you would repeat to His Excellency the President on this occasion the personal sentiments which I made it my imperative duty to express directly to him on the 3d instant in a telegram from Prescott, Canada, immediately upon hearing of his providential escape.
I embrace this opportunity, etc.,