Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.

No. 39.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I duly communicated to the governor-general of Canada the contents of your note, No. 2330, of the 7th ultimo, in which you informed me that you had suggested to the Secretary of the Treasury that the officials of his Department stationed in Canada should be instructed to discontinue the practice of flying flags over United States custom-houses there.

I have now the honor to inform you that I have received a dispatch from the Earl of Minto, forwarding copy of an approved minute of the privy council for Canada, which I have the honor to inclose herewith, intimating that similar instructions are being issued to Canadian customs officers stationed in the United States with regard to the flying of the British flag.

I have, etc.,


Extract from a report of the committee of the honorable the privy council, approved by his excellency on the 30th January, 1902.

The committee of the privy council have had under consideration a dispatch, hereto annexed, dated January 2, 1902, from His Majesty’s ambassador to the United States, relative to the removal of the British red ensign which had been hoisted over the office of the Canadian customs officer at Skagway; also another dispatch, herewith, dated January 9, 1902, from the ambassador on the same subject, intimating that the Secretary of State of the United States has suggested to the Secretary of the Treasury that the officials of his Department stationed in Canada should be instructed to discontinue the practice of flying flags over United States custom-houses there.

The minister of customs, to whom the said dispatches were referred, states he concurs in this, and recommends that His Majesty’s ambassador to the United States be informed that Canadian customs officers located in the United States are being instructed to refrain from the flying of flags over their offices in the United States.

The committee advise that his excellency be moved to transmit a certified copy of this minute to His Majesty’s ambassador to the United States.

All which is respectfully submitted for his excellency’s approval.

John J. McGee, Clerk of the Privy Council.