Mr. Lowther to Mr. Adee.
Newport, R. I., September 2, 1901.
Sir: By the instruction of His Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, I have the honor to bring the following circumstance to your notice:
The governor-general of Canada has reported that on the 22d of June last the Canadian customs special officer at Skagway, with the object of better indicating his office to persons engaged in the shipment of goods from and through Skagway into the Yukon territory and points beyond, raised over it the Canadian customs flag.
A similar course is, I understand, followed by special officers of the United States customs service stationed in Canada, who are furnished with United States customs nags, which they display over their offices at Montreal and Toronto, while in London, Ontario, such flag is daily flown over the office of the United States customs in the Grand Trunk station.
On the same day that the Canadian customs flag was hoisted at Skagway it was cut down by Mr. George Miller, a lawyer from Juneau. The Canadian customs office at once brought the matter in writing to the notice of Capt. J. G. Jenks, the officer commanding the United States troops at Skagway.
Having thus brought the above circumstances to the notice of the Government of the United States, I feel assured that you will cause the necessary steps to be taken with a view to an inquiry being instituted, and in the event of the facts proving to be as stated above I feel convinced that the offender will be brought to justice, and I venture to express the hope that due reparation will be made for an act of discourtesy to a British flag on territory in the temporary administration of the United States.
I have, etc.,