Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote.
Washington, March 25, 1902.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 74, of the 21st instant, by which your excellency informs me that on the occasion of the King’s coronation, in the month of June next, it would be pleasing to His Majesty to receive as his guest a representative of the United States of America to attend the ceremony, and that you have been directed by the King’s command to inquire whether it would be convenient and agreeable to the President of the United States to be represented on the occasion; and if so, whom he would propose to designate for the purpose.
In reply it gives me pleasure to say that the President has decided [Page 501] to send a special embassy to London on the auspicious occasion referred to, and has accredited Mr. Whitelaw Reid, of New York, as ambassador extraordinary of the United States on special mission to His Majesty.
Mr. Reed will he assisted by Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson, U. S. Army, to represent the War Department, and Capt. Charles E. Clark, U. S. Navy, to represent the Navy Department.
Messrs. J. Pierpont Morgan, jr., of New York; Edmund Lincoln Baylies, of New York, and William Wetmore, of Rhode Island, will each attend Mr. Reid in the capacity of secretary and attaché.
I have, etc.,