Mr. Hay to Mr. White.
Washington, June 5, 1902.
Sir: Referring again to Mr. Jackson’s No. 1926, of April 17 last, relative to the expulsion of Albert and Nathan Eisemann, I have to inform you that the Messrs. Eisemann feel that the order of expulsion issued in their case, being for police purposes, involves a degrading significance. It is possible that the phrase in the order to which they attach such a meaning may be translated “for reasons of public policy.” You are directed to ascertain this point, and, in any event, to endeavor to obtain from the German Government some statement which will relieve the Eisemann’s of the possible imputation of any improper conduct on their part, allowing the decree of expulsion, if insisted on by the German Government, to stand, based exclusively upon their alleged evasion of military duty.
I am, etc.,