Mr. Adee to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, August 2,
No. 1381.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s No. 1377, of
the 29th ultimo, I now inclose a copy of a dispatch from the commercial
agent at Bamberg relating further to the insult offered to the consulate
during the night of June 17 last.
I am, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
Mr. Bardel to
the Department of State.
Commercial Agency of the United States,
Bamberg, July 14, 1902.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch of July 7,
1902, I have the honor to report to-day that the official organ, The
Tagblatt, of July 12, 1902, contained a publication of a reward of
100 marks offered by the city government for the capture and legal
punishment of the perpetrators of the outrage committed on this post
during the night of June 17–18, 1902, as reported in the above-named
I inclose a clipping of the newspaper, with translation.
I also send herewith a translation of a communication on the same
subject received by me on July 11, 1902. I answered the
communication by acknowledging proper receipt of the same in writing
and informing the city government that a full report on the
unfortunate occurrence had been made by me to the Department of
[Page 436]
and that I now await
instructions from the Government in the case. I added my best thanks
to the city authorities for the sincereness with which they took up
this disagreeable matter and expressed the hope that the city would
be successful in discovering and punishing the evil doers.
I have, etc.,
Wm. Bardel, Commercial Agent.
[Subinclosure 1.]
Resolution passed June 27, 1902.
The coat of arms affixed at the residence of the American consul in
this city was defiled a few weeks ago, and thereupon, after the
consul reported the incident to his superiors, the emblem of the
office has been, for the time being, taken down.
Proper report has been made. The person who will be able to cause the
punishment of the miscreants will be entitled: to a reward of 100
marks; thus the board of aldermen to-day have resolved
If the punishment of the evil doers is caused by more than one
person, then the reward shall be divided respectively.
The mayor of Bamberg
to Mr. Bardel.
I send the above for your knowledge, and wish to add that the royal
Bavarian district attorney will make public the reward so
Bamberg, July 2,
- Brandt, First Mayor,
- Lochner, Secretary.
[Subinclosure 2.]
During the night of June 17–18, 1902, the coat of arms of the
consulate of the United States of America, affixed at the house 130
Franz-Ludwig street, this city, was intentionally defiled. The
perpetrators have not as yet been discovered.
All persons who are in position to give information as to the person
of the miscreant or miscreants, or who may have made observations
which might lead to the discovery of the same, are hereby requested
to inform the undersigned authority or the inspector of police as to
their knowledge. The city government offers herewith a reward of 100
marks to whoever will cause the legal punishment of the perpetrator
or perpetrators.
Bamberg, July 11,
Royal First District Attorney,