Mr. White to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, June 26, 1902.
Sir: I have the honor to report that, pursuant to your cabled dispatch of the 20th instant, I attended the funeral of the late King Albert of Saxony, at Dresden, on Monday evening, June 23; also the “vigils” on Tuesday afternoon, June 24, and the requiem on Wednesday morning, June 25, Mr. Jackson, the first secretary of the embassy, accompanying me. The services were imposing and the attendance remarkable, among those who were present being the German Emperor, the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, with various other rulers in person or by their representatives. The most impressive feature was the evident regret of the people at large, represented by immense crowds of men and women in mourning in the streets of Dresden. The late King, though by no means a genius, or even a man of remarkable ability, was an excellent soldier during the Franco-Prussian [Page 430] war, a wise, conscientious, and careful administrator, and a German patriot. Under his constitutional rule his country has grown in wealth and prosperity, and his beautiful capital of Dresden has been greatly enriched with additions to its provision for education, collections in science and art, galleries and public buildings of various sorts, and works of utility. He also rendered very remarkable services to the peace of Europe as the main agent in reconciling Germany and Austria, also in bringing about a better understanding between Prussia and Denmark, and fairly satisfactory relations between the present German Emperor and the late Prince Bismarck. One point of interest to our Government is that he was always especially kind and courteous to the representatives of the very large and respectable American colony at Dresden.
On Tuesday morning I was received by the present King George in special audience and expressed to him the sympathy of the President for him and for the Saxon people, as also the President’s best wishes for himself and his Kingdom. He was very courteous and returned friendly wishes and assurances to the President and to the American people. The present King is a brother of the late King and, so far as can now be seen, is likely to continue in the course marked out by his predecessor, whom, in a general way, he seems to resemble.
I remain, etc.,