Mr. Swenson to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Copenhagen, May 2,
No. 254.]
Sir: I inclose herewith, for your information,
a copy of a letter which I addressed to a Mr. Severin Jacobsen, under
date of December 30, 1901, relative to the question of his liability to
military duty in Denmark.
I have, etc.,
Mr. Swenson to
Mr. Jacobsen.
Legation of the United States,
Copenhagen, December 30, 1901.
Sir: In reply to your interrogatories sent
through the United States consul at this place, I beg to inform you
that if it is your intention to return to the United States within a
reasonable time with a purpose of residing and performing the duties
of citizenship therein, you are not liable to military duty in
It appears from the statement of your case that you emigrated to the
United States before having attained the age fixed by Danish law for
military service (22) or even for enrollment on the conscription
lists (17); that the naturalization of your father as a citizen of
the United States July 8,1893, conferred American citizenship upon
[Page 373]
being a minor at that
time, and that you returned to your native country in July, 1899,
where you have since resided. In view of these facts, the question
of your exemption from military service must be determined by
intention or nonintention to return to the United States, as stated
I would advise you to procure a United States passport as evidence
that you wish to conserve your American citizenship.
Respectfully, yours,