Mr. Squiers to Mr.
Legation of the United States of America,
Habana, Cuba, June
18, 1902.
No. 28.]
Sir: I have the honor to confirm the
Department’s telegram of the 13th instant, and my reply on the 16th
instant (see also dispatch No. 25, dated June 16, 1902), regarding the
application of the Chinese exclusion regulations to Chinese immigrants
who had undertaken the voyage prior to the promulgation of the law.
Mr. Palma himself took an active interest in the matter, as indicated in
my dispatch No. 25 of the 16th instant, but, I regret to say, finally
decided he could not accept the suggestion of the Department.
I have the honor, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Squiers to
Mr. Zaldo.
Legation of the United States,
Habana, June 14, 1902.
No. 8.]
Your Excellency: Acting under telegraphic
instructions from my Government regarding detention on account of
violation of the Chinese immigration law of a certain Ward Line
steamer having on board Chinese immigrants, I have the honor to
suggest to your excellency that it would be reasonable not to
consider exclusion provision in force against vessels arriving upon
voyages begun before promulgation of the law.
As the detention of these immigrants is entailing some considerable
expense, I would be pleased to have an early reply.
I avail, etc.,
Mr. de Zaldo to
Mr. Squiers.
Foreign Office,
Habana, June 16,
No. 19.]
Mr. Minister: The President, to whom I have
communicated your attentive note, No. 8, of the 14th instant,
instructs me to say to your excellency that it would be
[Page 354]
exceedingly pleasant to
him to accede to your request with regard to the Chinese immigrants
who may have undertaken the voyage before the promulgation of the
immigration law of the 15th of May of this year, but the text of the
law being so definite it is not possible for him to give any such
instructions as your excellency indicates, as in doing so it would
be tantamount to an infraction of the said law.
I avail, etc.,