Mr. Squiers to Mr. Flay.

No. 59.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm your telegram of the 5th instant referring to President Palma’s message of congratulation by reason of the national anniversary of the Independence of the United States, and also to inclose a copy of my note to the foreign office conveying your cable acknowledgment.

I have, etc.,

H. G. Squiers.
[Page 328]

Mr. Squiers to Mr. Zaldo.

F. O. No. 26.]

Your Excellency: I have the honor to inform your excellency, with the request that the matter be brought to the notice of the President, that I am just in receipt of a cable instruction from my Government advising me that President Palma’s message of congratulation by reason of the national anniversary of the Independence of the United States was received with much gratification.

I avail, etc.,

H. G. Squiers.