Mr. Hart to Mr. Hay.


(Mr. Hart acknowledges the receipt of Department’s telegram of February 8, and reports that, after receipt of Department’s telegram of January 22 last, he at once addressed a note to the Colombian minister for foreign affairs, following literally those instructions, which note, up to the present time, is without acknowledgment, probably on account of a change in the ministry for foreign affairs; another change will be made within a few days, and Mr. Hart will then press the case from his knowledge of the circumstances; it is his belief that the facts are as represented; but the companies’ agent in Colombia is more conversant with the facts, and difficulty of communication with Cartagena renders impossible any further early investigation from Bogotá.

Mr. Hart states that he has always understood that the company would not accept the return of the vessels until the amount of indemnity had been fixed, and inquires if he is instructed to at once proceed with the demand.)